Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

The eLTER Research Infrastructure

This section deals with the emerging eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER RI). It describes the formal target “eLTER ERIC” and the implementation process status. We welcome you on a journey through the adventure of constructing the eLTER RI!

WHERE will eLTER RI be active? FOR WHOM is eLTER RI being built? WHAT is eLTER going to do? WITH WHOM do we collaborate? What is the FORMAL STRUCTURE? What are eLTER’s SCOPE & GOALS? OVERALL DESIGN

The big picture: “What is this Research Infrastructure business about?”

The term “Research Infrastructure” (RI) implies a permanently operated structure, which is a legal entity. As for eLTER RI, the legal form will be an ERIC, which follows the related EU regulation. As opposed to self-organised or bottom-up networks, an ERIC can act as long-term partner and sustainably provide services based on mid- and long-term budget agreements. These partners are countries and not institutions. The ERIC characteristics enable a concerted response to the needs of modern environmental research incl. interoperability, FAIR data, cross-disciplinary observation and research over decades and reliable collaborations in Europe and globally. 

The high-level platform for the construction and implementation of eLTER RI is the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). ESFRI prioritises the European needs for RIs and regularly publishes the ESFRI Roadmap. The entry point are submissions by countries supporting a new RI with one country formally acting as lead. Germany submitted the eLTER ESFRI application in 2017 and eLTER RI was adopted to the ESFRI Roadmap 2018. Currently, 21 countries support eLTER RI politically. A new RI is given 10 years on the roadmap for the establishment of the RI. 

The eLTER Interim Council (IC) is the decision making body of ministerial delegations in the eLTER ESFRI process. Delegations from 19 countries have held 8 meetings since December 2020 and formally adopted most of the content of this section. The current chairpersons are from Sweden and Slovakia. We aim at establishing the eLTER ERIC by 2026/2027.

The overall coordination of the eLTER projects and the implementation of the eLTER RI is managed by the eLTER General Executive Team.