The Project
The eLTER Preparatory Phase Project (eLTER PPP) is a HORIZON 2020 funded Coordination and Support Action in preparation of implementing the Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research infrastructure (eLTER RI).
Core objectives of eLTER PPP
- Carries out all required planning and specifications needed for the high-level decision making and binding commitments for constructing and operating the eLTER RI
- Coordinates the decision making processes towards eLTER RI implementation as a legal entity (ERIC framework) at the European and related national levels (eLTER ESFRI process)
- eLTER PPP closely interacts with eLTER PLUS to secure the highest relevance of eLTER RI services for the related research communities and other eLTER RI user groups
Key facts about eLTER PPP
Lead institution: UFZ, Germany
Coordinator: Michael Mirtl (UFZ, Germany)
Consortium: 27 participating institutions from 24 European countries
Budget: 4 million €
Duration: 72 months (6 years, Feb 2020 - Jan 2026)
Core objective: eLTER PPP coordinates the detailed specification and decision making processes towards the eLTER RI implementation and legal entity at the European and related national levels (eLTER ESFRI process).
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The main themes of the eLTER PPP
Design and operation
Organisation and funding
Strategy and impact
Communication and management
The figure illustrates the four PPP themes, together with their associated Work Packages, and their tight connectedness and interrelations. The consultation and harmonisation across organisational levels in Europe is an overarching PPP theme concerning all WPs and leading to establishment of the eLTER RI.
Time plan overview
eLTER PPP Steering Committee

Michael Mirtl (coord.)
Environment Agency Austria and Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Austria/Germany

Christophe Piscart
Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France

Daniel Orenstein
The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Herbert Haubold
Environment Agency Austria, Austria

Nicole Lichtenstein
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Germany

Jaana Bäck
University of Helsinki, Finland

Steffen Zacharias
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Germany

Desislava Asenova
Pensoft Publishers, Bulgaria

Alexandra Tzvetkova
Pensoft Publishers, Bulgaria