The Project
eLTER EnRich will bridge the gap between the preparatory and operational phase of the eLTER ESFRI process, which was severely constrained by several adversarial force majeure factors since eLTER PPP and PLUS started in 2020.
Key facts about eLTER EnRich
- Lead institution UFZ, Germany
- Coordinator Michael Mirtl (UFZ, Germany)
- Consortium 10 participating institutions from 7 European countries
- Budget 1.5 million €
- Duration 36 months (3 years, March 2024 - Feb 2027)
Core objectives of eLTER EnRich
- Implementing a systems engineering approach to better manage the complexity of the distributed RI’s System Architecture design, and to support agile management and decision-making
- Implementing a baseline ´skeleton RI´ with firmly hosted initial core services in support of core user groups, as a starting point for extensions during the eLTER RI operational phase
- Establishing essential cyberinfrastructure components and extending service capabilities in close cooperation with European ENV-RIs
- Strengthening formalisation efforts for the eLTER ERIC
- Achieving solid and sustainable commitments from service hosts and future ERIC Members
- Seamlessly linking eLTER projects to eLTER ERIC operations, building capacity in expertise and human resources, and strengthening user engagement in the RI
The main themes of eLTER EnRich
Service design and operation
Strategic eLTER ERIC development

Communication, collaboration & management
Time plan overview
eLTER EnRich Steering Committee

Michael Mirtl (coord.)
Environment Agency Austria and Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Austria/Germany

Ulf Mallast
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany

Jan Bumberger
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany

Jaana Bäck
University of Helsinki, Finland

Nicole Lichtenstein
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Germany

Desislava Asenova
Pensoft Publishers, Bulgaria

David López Herráez (Project Manager)
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany

Alexandra Tzvetkova
Pensoft Publishers, Bulgaria