5th TA-RA funding call will open on 24th November 2024

TA-RA Access Scheme

Are you a scientist working in the areas of biodiversity, biogeochemistry, hydrology or socio-ecological research? 
Do you want to study the natural environment at one of our well-equipped research sites?

Through its dedicated access scheme, the eLTER PLUS project opens up the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER RI) and aims to attract a wide range of users from various disciplines. The scheme addresses both physical access to long-term research sites (Transnational Access-TA) and an access mode in which local site staff perform measurements/sampling according to user defined protocols (Remote Access-RA), or a combination of both. Additionally the Virtual Access scheme provides access to the data from selected research sites. All access within the scheme is free of charge for users. TA and RA typically aid small to medium scale ecological and socio-ecological projects.


Apply now  

Calls conducted


Proposal accepted


Sites visited


Countries involved


Budget granted, m€


Number of users


Number of women

Your TA-RA team

Ulf Mallast

Ulf Mallast

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany

Tudor Racoviceanu

Tudor Racoviceanu

University of Bucharest, Romania

Herbert Haubold

Herbert Haubold

Environmental Agency Austria, Austria