Transnational and Remote Access Scheme (TA-RA)
Through its dedicated access scheme, the eLTER PLUS project opens up the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER RI) and aims to attract a wide range of users from various disciplines. The scheme addresses both physical access to long-term research sites (Transnational Access-TA) and an access mode in which local site staff perform measurements/sampling according to user defined protocols (Remote Access-RA), or a combination of both. Additionally the Virtual Access scheme provides access to the data from selected research sites. All access within the scheme is free of charge for users. TA and RA typically aid small to medium scale ecological and socio-ecological projects.
The 5th Transnational and Remote Access Funding Call is Open!
Application deadline: 31 January 2025
Apply now
Calls conducted
Proposal accepted
Sites visited
Countries involved
Budget granted, m€
Number of users
Number of women
Your TA-RA team

Ulf Mallast
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany

Tudor Racoviceanu
University of Bucharest, Romania

Herbert Haubold
Environmental Agency Austria, Austria
How To Apply
- Read the TA-RA scheme details carefully - The administrative, operational and financial procedures of the TA scheme are described in the eLTER PLUS TA-RA Scheme.
- Complete all required fields in the online application interface - Users wishing to apply for access must complete all required fields in the eLTER PLUS application interface.
- If you would like to contact us regarding access or have any other questions about the scheme, please write to
All documents can be found on the Main Document page.
Apply now
What are the steps after submission?
Eligibility Check
Check against formal criteria set out in the eLTER TA-RA access document.Plausibility Check
Site hosts check the accordance of the project plans with site conditions, personnel, logistics, restrictions, needsScientific Evaluation
Evaluators are asked to assess the scientific quality, approach and methodology, and the relevance for eLTERParticipating Sites
All sites included in the eLTER PLUS (Transnational Access) TA and (Remote Access) RA Scheme are equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation to enable comprehensive ecological measurement and experimental campaigns. The long-term data on those sites is available to compare with or to be used as a reference. Likewise, state-of-the-art socio-economic research is conducted at several of them. IT facilities are provided for data upload, storage and processing. The sites, which were selected to represent all European biogeographic zones, are described at the eLTER PLUS website and in the eLTER Site Catalogue.
While the TA-RA scheme will support both single-site and multiple-site projects (i.e. requiring co-ordinated work and data synthesis across two or more sites), preference will be given to research targeting multi-site use and taking advantage of the eLTER site network.
Below listed and shown are all sites that are participating in the TA-RA Scheme. Highlighted in green are those sites that can be selected for the purpose of your project. When you click on the icon in the map, or on the site name, you will be redirected to DEIMS with more information to each site.
- Alpine
- Evergreen Forest
- Mixed Forest
- Deciduous Forest
- Agricultural
- Grasslands
- Desert
- Fresh Water Rivers
- Fresh Water Lakes
- Coastal
- Taiga
- Tundra
- Zöbelboden
- Eisenwurzen
- Rosalia
- Brasschaat
- Lysina
- Hobe
- Hyytiälä
- Värriö
- LTSER platform Lautaret-Oisans / Zone Atelier Alpes
- AgrHyS Environmental Research Observatory
- Zone Atelier Plaine et Val de Sevre
- Larzac
- Harz
- Siptenfelde
- Bode
- Wüstebach
- Rollesbroich
- Selhausen
- Kiskun
- Restoration Exp
- Northern Negev
- Shaked
- Isola di Pianosa
- Lago Maggiore
- Engure
- Koiliaris CZO
- Montado
- Braila Islands
- Fruska gora
- Postojna
- Doñana
- Kindla
- Svartberget
- Pfynwald
- Laegern
- Davos
- Stillberg
- Cairngorms
- Allt a'Mharcaidh
- Whim Bog
- Moor House
- Wytham
You may still have questions, whether it is while reading the call, while writing a proposal or even after your proposal was granted. Below listed are questions grouped in these categories that reached the TA-RA team in the past which may help you answer your question right away. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us via
1.How to apply?
The Access Scheme is open to any user. TA and RA are addressed in dedicated calls, which are launched on an annual basis in November. Users can apply following a standardised online interface in which the scientific idea is elaborated and potentially addressed site(s) are listed. After the call’s closure, a thorough review process starts, including a three-stage process comprising an Eligibility Check, a Plausibility Check, and a Scientific evaluation. Applicants are informed about the results of the evaluation process.
2. Who is eligible to apply?
Applicants must be affiliated to an organisation in a country other than the country where the site they wish to access is located. In the case of a group of applicants, the majority of the group’s members must also work in a country other than the country where the site is located which they wish to jointly access. For multi-site projects, this rule applies to all the sites to be accessed.
Applicants working for an organisation which is an eLTER PLUS Beneficiary, are in principle eligible for receiving TA and/or RA funding, but they must assure not to apply to access a facility his/her own organisation owns or manages.
Users not working in a European Union Member State or H2020 Associated Country are eligible, provided they do not form the majority within the respective user group. However, well-founded exceptions are possible.
There is no formal prerequisite as to the users’ education or their degrees held.
3. If the deadline for the call has passed, can I still apply?
Unfortunately this is not possible. It would be unfair if some people can simply submit anytime. The calls are usually launched in November of each year and communicated via the website and eLTERs social media channels.
4. What is funded?
Funding targets both, you as applicants but also the institution that manages and operates the sites. Funding for applicants encompases travel costs and accommodation. Funds for host institutions covers running costs for the site to support the visitors and working time of site staff.
5. Can I get a pre-payment in case of e.g. expensive flights?
Yes, usually the TA-RA scheme foresees cost reimbursement after users have fulfilled their reporting obligations. However, in justified exceptional cases, a pre-payment (e.g. to cover a flight ticket) may be granted. This decision is up to the site host organisation.
6. I am myself site manager and applicant at the same time, is this a problem/conflict of interest?
This is not a problem as long as you do not apply for funding at your own site as part of the proposal. Applying for funding and accessing any other site is eligible.
7. Is it possible to combine TA and RA in the same proposal?
Yes, it is not only possible to combine, but highly advised to do so. Applicants can for example test and refine the sampling protocol at one or few sites and then roll it out remotely to more sites.
8. What Sites and Data are included?
Currently, the Access Scheme offers access (TA and RA) to 43 sites across Europe representing different socioeconomic and biogeographical settings and environmental conditions. If you want to have more information use the site registry DEIMS, or have a look at the site catalogue.
9. Is it possible to conduct two campaigns at the same time at the same site due to seasonal conditions?
Yes, this is possible. In an ideal case, applicants get in contact with the site PIs and get detailed information on local conditions to mutually decide about best possible campaign times.
10. At the moment of the submission should applicants already have all the access permits and/or sampling permits requested in some cases, or if these permits are to be obtained after the acceptance of the project?
Any kind or permits that may be needed will automatically be issued in case your proposal will be accepted, so this is nothing to worry about. In any case, before you apply, please get in contact with the site manager(s) to notify and clarify the need for permits. You find the contacts in DEIMS.
11. If access to a TA site gets postponed how long will I have to perform my research?
Timing of visits and actions can be freely chosen by the applicants. In any case, any activity, so not only visits but everything related to the TA-RA action, must be finished before the project eLTER PLUS ends, that is January 2025.
12. Is it possible to apply for an extension of the period spent at one site?
Yes, it is possible. The condition is that both the TA-RA team and site PIs agree to the extension and the extra costs.
13. Is the reporting of results and outcomes of the TA-RA project mandatory?
Yes, users must present the results and outcomes of their project to eLTER PLUS using the following reporting template.
14. Is the Acknowledgement in publications/reports of eLTER and TA-RA access scheme mandatory?
Yes, if results were obtained during the project development, kindly use the following acknowledgement: “This work has received financial support by the H2020 project eLTER PLUS, GA 871128 and acknowledges support from [host organisation] of the site [name and DEIMS ID].” Name and DEIMS-ID can be found on
15. Do I need to offer a Co-Authorship to the host of the sites?
Users may offer co-authorship to host organisation researcher(s) based on common practice as currently used in science, relating to intellectual input to the respective publication. However, the mere hosting of users should not suffice for co-authorship
16. How does reimbursement of expenses work and who is responsible?
Reimbursements for conducted campaigns are paid by the site host organisation and according to their regulations. Site host organisations may claim costs for both user expenses reimbursement and for their own effort as part of their eLTER PLUS project funding.
17. When am I reimbursed?
The TA-RA scheme foresees cost reimbursement after users have fulfilled their reporting obligations. That is, after users have conducted their campaigns they are supposed to submit the metadata reporting. Only after submission the reimbursement process can be started.
18. Are costs for shipping (required equipment, samples) covered?
Shipping costs are conditionally eligible. Regarding required equipment, applicants must assure the absolute necessity of the equipment for the planned work and must make sure to communicate with the site PIs that similar equipment is not available and usable at the host organisation. If needed but not available at the site, applicants must acquire a quota for the shipping and submit the quota along with the proposal submission.
The same applies to shipping samples, the user is requested to acquire a quota for the shipping and submit the quota along with the proposal submission. During the review process costs are one evaluation criteria.
19. What are the eligible expenses?
Eligible are travel expenses to, from and within the site. If this includes private or rental car travel it is supported if travel by public transportation is not possible. Also eligible are accommodation costs if no on-site accommodation can be offered.
20. Is the usage of a private car eligible and also the costs for an overnight stay at a hotel during the travel to the site?
The usage of private or rental car travel is supported if travel by public transportation is not possible or the travel is cheaper than flying. This would also include costs for a needed accommodation on the way to the site given that the distance between your home/institute and the site cannot be managed with a one-day travel.
21. Is the cost per km eligible under eLTER rules if using private/ laboratory vehicles?
Costs for private/laboratory/rental car travel are eligible on a cost per km basis, if travel by public transportation is not possible. The choice of cars must be reasoned in the proposal.
22. Are expenses resulting from COVID measures eligible?
Cost (for antigen/PCR test or due to quarantine) related to COVID are conditionally eligible. The applicants must state that these costs could neither be foreseen nor circumvented in order to conduct the TA-RA project.
TA-RA Blog and Webinar
User that have visited eLTER sites through the TA-RA access scheme, are asked to report in a short blog statement about both their positive and negative experiences. These blog statements are shown here that may help future applicants to get acquainted with what is to be expected.
The video of our latest webinar may also help you to get general first hand information of the TA-RA program and first insights on results achieved by successful applicants but also the host of sites.
And finally, you can access the reports of past TA-RA projects.
To help you get started, read a recommendation on how to blog.
Background Information
The eLTER PLUS project offers free-of-charge opportunities for multinational teams of researchers or for individual researchers to perform research at selected sites for the purpose of small to medium scale ecological and socio-ecological projects. Supported projects may focus on a single site though multisite research projects are preferred. Through its Access Scheme, eLTER PLUS opens up the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER RI) and aims to attract a wide range of users from various disciplines.
The calls for proposals encompass both a top-down and a bottom-up component. Both components are considered equally important and either address pre-defined research questions in given categories
- Drivers, trends and states of biodiversity;
- Carbon and nitrogen cycling in ecosystems;
- Water stress in ecosystems;
- Socio-ecology
User can also define their own research questions and thereby demonstrate further options to utilise the eLTER RI. In either case, education will be fostered to strengthen the next generation of eLTER researchers.
Transnational Access (TA) | Remote Access (RA) | Virtual Access (VA) | |
Access characteristic | Physical access to one or more sites by users | Site staff performs site-based measurements on behalf of user | User accesses site data only |
Role of users | Users perform their own on-site measurements or experiments | Users define protocols for observations and experiments to be performed at the site(s) by local staff | Users download data from sites, in the future using the eLTER Service Portal |
Role of site staff | Explains the facilities and supervises and supports users’ activities | Performs work on users’ behalf and sends results and/or specimens to the users | Currently, data and metadata is held locally. In the future, Standard Observations are uploaded to eLTERs IT infrastructure along with a metadata file |
Funded | Travel costs and accommodation of users, running costs for the site to support the visitors | Running costs and working time of site staff |
The eLTER PLUS project provides three modes of access: Transnational Access (TA), Remote Access (RA) and Virtual Access (VA). The roles of the user and site staff differ between each access type and considers different roles for users and for the site staff, as shown in the table.
The Access Scheme is open to any user. Experience has shown that most of the users are from scientific researchers and are very often at an early stage in their careers. The Access Scheme is, however, also open to users from other groups, including business and industry, civil society and the wider public.
TA and RA are addressed in dedicated calls, which are launched on an annual basis in November. Users can apply by completing an application form, describing the scientific idea and indicating the site or sites they are interested in. After the call’s closure, a thorough review process starts, including a three-stage process comprising an eligibility check, a plausibility check, and a scientific evaluation. Applicants are informed in March of the following year about the results of the evaluation process. The scheme’s framework is published on the website and it is transparent to the users from the start, including requirements before (detailed communication between project PIs and site and platform coordinators), during (metadata), and after the TA-RA projects (reporting, data management, dissemination of results).
Users’ personnel costs will not be covered.
- Read the TA-RA scheme details carefully - The administrative, operational and financial procedures of the TA scheme are described in the eLTER PLUS TA-RA Scheme.
- Complete all required fields in the online application interface - Users wishing to apply for access must complete all required fields in the eLTER PLUS application interface.
- If you would like to contact us regarding access or have any other questions about the scheme, please write to
- After completing their site visit, researchers must provide a metadata report (Template), and a final report at the end of the TA-RA project using the Reporting template.
- Users are requested to describe the experience in the TA-RA blog
Main Documents
For the application we encourage you to read the eLTER PLUS TA-RA Scheme carefully, especially the TA scheme’s administrative, operational and financial procedures.
As users are requested to fill in a minimum set of metadata (when, what, how, etc.) for each of conducted campaigns to ensure a FAIR process, we provide a detailed description on how to use the Metadata Portal for this purpose.
And lastly, you as user are also requested to report about your projects, findings and experiences at the end of the project. The reporting template will guide you through this process and ensuring both, high quality project reports and easy handling for you as user.