Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

ILTER (International Long Term Ecological Research Network)

ILTER is the international counterpart of eLTER. It is an umbrella organisation encompassing 39 LTER networks, mostly on a national scale, including European LTER networks. LTER Europe is one of the regional groups of ILTER. 

ILTER's focus is on long-term, site-based research and monitoring. Specifically, the purpose of ILTER is to provide a globally distributed network and infrastructure of long-term research sites for use in the fields of ecosystem, biodiversity, critical zone and socio-ecological research, and to secure highest quality interoperable services in close interaction with related regional and global research infrastructures and networks. 

The European LTER provides major contributions to ILTER, including substantial work on DEIMS-SDR, the metadata portal which holds all information on the ILTER site. Currently, the ILTER co-chair and the ILTER secretary are provided by the European LTER.


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