Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Standard Observations

The eLTER Standard Observations (SOs) comprise the minimum set of variables and their associated method protocols that can characterise adequately the state and future trends of the Earth system. They were selected and designed to fulfil three key functions: determining the system's state and development, providing sufficient spatiotemporal coverage, and offering high impact, high feasibility, and relatively low cost of implementation. The holistic approach embodied in the eLTER SOs enables integrative research through integrated observation, a crucial prerequisite for the inter- and transdisciplinary research needed to address today’s Grand Challenges for global sustainability. 

SOs cover the hydro-, geo-, atmo-, bio-, and sociosphere and a range of habitats from forests to aquatic systems. For each SO, method protocols are provided for basic and more elaborate ‘prime’ measurements and observations that will be available as soon as they are ready. 

For more information about the conceptual underpinning of the eLTER SOs and their role in the design and development of the eLTER RI, as well as the process of developing and selecting the SOs, please go to Info Sheet or dive into the Discussion paper on key Standard Observation variables.