For more information about the conceptual underpinning of the eLTER SOs and their role in the design and development of the eLTER RI, as well as the process of developing and selecting the SOs, please go to Info Sheet or dive into the Discussion paper on key Standard Observation variables.
Comprised Variables: governance structure and character
Land cover and use (CORINE) (SOSOC_036)
Comprised Variables: land cover, land use, land cover change, land use change (CORINE)
Land cover and use (Statistics) (SOSOC_037)
Comprised Variables: land cover, land use, land cover change, land use change (Statistics)
Ecosystem services (SOSOC_040)
Comprised Variables: bundle of variables describing the ecosystem service profile
Economics - GDP (SOSOC_042)
Comprised Variables: economics (GDP per capita; Per capita income)
Demography (SOSOC_043)
Comprised Variables: demography (Total population size and density; Population age profile; educational attainment; residential density)
Employment (SOSOC_044)
Comprised Variables: Employment (Employment rate %; Employment by sector; Unemployment)
Consumption statistics (SOSOC_045)
Comprised Variables: population consumption statistics
Resource use (SOSOC_183)
Comprised Variables: DE, IMP, EXP, DPO, BI, DMC, DMI, PTB, NAS: biomass, metal ores, non-metallic minerals, fossil energy carriers (other products, waste, emissions)
Subsidies (SOSOC_184)
Comprised Variables: CAP payments for direct support, rural development, market measures (€ total, avg. per beneficiary, avg. per ha, nr. of beneficiaries per total agric. holdings)