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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


For more information about the conceptual underpinning of the eLTER SOs and their role in the design and development of the eLTER RI, as well as the process of developing and selecting the SOs, please go to Info Sheet or dive into the Discussion paper on key Standard Observation variables.


Soil inventory (SOGEO_001)

Comprised Variables: soil texture, soil hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, soil pH, CEC, base saturation, organic matter, soil type classification, geological site characterization - on-time measurement

Soil chemical and physical properties (SOGEO_003)

Comprised Variables: total organic C concentration, CEC total nitrogen, total phosphorus, plant available P, pH, soil base saturation, bulk density (per horizon)

Soil water chemistry (SOGEO_167)

Comprised Variables: soil water chemical characteristics

Soil infiltration (SOGEO_048)

Comprised Variables: infiltration rate - soil

Sediment (aquatic/marine) (SOGEO_155)

Comprised Variables: physical and chemical characterization (particle size distribution, composition, pH, carbon, sulfur)