Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Market Place

The eLTER Market Place connects researchers looking for data with eLTER Site and Platform Coordinators who can offer a wealth of long-term observation data from their Sites and Platforms. It enables and promotes pan-European and/or habitat-specific research, new research collaborations, and contributions to national and European research projects. 

If you are a researcher looking for long-term observational data from all over Europe, the eLTER Market Place enables you to reach hundreds of eLTER Sites and Platforms. Please contact us ( and we will publish your data requests. 

If you are an eLTER Site and Platform Coordinator, the Market Place lists data and project calls as well as other opportunities for project contributions that may be of interest to you.

Background information Incentives
Deadline: Apr 01, 2025

Looking for dry matter yields of different pasture mixes

Contact: Schechner, Anne

Relevant habitats: Vegetated man-made habitats (agricultural, horticultural, domestic)
Requested Data / Requested Sites:

We have been working on a satellite biomass model to estimate dry matter in order to support decision making as relates to adaptive grazing management, helping farmers with a regenerative transition. We offer farmers a free app (, but we’ve been having trouble with training data for more diverse pastures.

In particularly we are looking for dry matter yield, ideally in kg DM / ha.  The finer the spatiotemporal resolution, the better, and preferably more recent: the dream dataset would be dry matter yield in kg DM / ha for, for example, weekly or monthly data to measure the growth/biomass of different grass mixes following high density small paddock grazing, at the ha or field boundary/paddock scale, but we’re of course very flexible and appreciate anything you’re willing to share. We are interested in using it as training data for a satellite biomass model and funding is available to support you [link to previous proposals].
Please get in contact with Anne Schechner if you have such data to share.

Background information Incentives
Closed: Feb 28, 2025

Become a Member of the European Network of Agroecology

Relevant habitats: Vegetated man-made habitats (agricultural, horticultural, domestic)
Requested Data / Requested Sites:

eLTSER Platforms that have an agroecology interest and are keen to help facilitating the transition to agroecology across Europe (Find the more explicit information here)

Background information Incentives
Closed: Feb 28, 2025

Open call for marine biodiversity (monitoring) data

Relevant habitats: Coastal (transitional) waters including coastal littoral zones; Marine Ecosystems
Requested Data / Requested Sites:

The call focuses on the marine domain and requests data on marine biodiversity. Interested parties are invited to apply via the Open Call web form on the DTO-BioFlow website. No specific data are requested, but certain evaluation criteria are listed against which the applications will be assessed.

Submit Your Data

Closed: Dec 01, 2024

World Glacier Monitoring Service annual call for data

Relevant habitats: Sparsely vegetated habitats and deserts
Requested Data / Requested Sites:

Glaciological mass balances (point and glacier-wide), glacier front variations, and glacier changes in area, elevation, and volume from geodetic surveys. Also special events such as glacier surges, avalanches, or lake outburst floods.

You are kindly invited to submit your data to WGMS via its National Correspondents. For further information, please see here

The compiled glacier fluctuations data (together with reference to principal investigators, sponsoring agencies, and literature references) will be published in our open and free data products.

Glacier outlines should be submitted to GLIMS, and glacier photos to the NSIDC Glacier Photograph Collection

Submit Your Data

Data_Call 2024_03
Background information Incentives
Closed: Nov 30, 2024

Data call for tree species annotations and aerial RGB or RGBI imagery (TreeAI)

Relevant habitats: Wetlands (mires, bogs, fens); Heathlands, shrub and tundra; Forests and other wooded land; Vegetated man-made habitats (agricultural, horticultural, domestic); Sparsely vegetated habitats and deserts
Requested Data / Requested Sites:

As part of the COST action 3DForEcoTech and COST SNSF project, we aim to establish an international collaboration and create the first database for the detection of individual tree species.

We are seeking:

  • manual tree species canopy delineations.
  • aerial RGBI (red, green, blue, and near infrared) or RGB imagery data for the delineated tree species from around the world.

The TreeAI database will serve as the foundation for training a universal deep-learning model for monitoring tree species using fine-grained aerial data.

We are also looking for:

  • people with experience in deep learning for object detection or instance segmentation.
  • people who are willing to contribute to the writing of the manuscripts.

Submit Your Data

Background information Incentives
Closed: Nov 18, 2024

eLTER Data Call - legacy data mobilization for eLTER Standard Observations

Relevant habitats: Wetlands (mires, bogs, fens); Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens; Heathlands, shrub and tundra; Forests and other wooded land; Vegetated man-made habitats (agricultural, horticultural, domestic); Inland surface standing waters; Inland surface running waters; Coastal (transitional) waters including coastal littoral zones; Sparsely vegetated habitats and deserts
Requested Data / Requested Sites:

DATA TYPES in focus for this Data Call:

SOGEO_001 Soil inventory – geological characterization; SOATM_027 Meteorology; SOBIO_017 Vegetation composition; SOBIO_096 Surface water – Algae; SOHYD_004 Physical/chemical characteristics standing waters; SOHYD_168 Soil water content and temperature; Other data: indicate any other data sets you would like to mobilize in the expression of interest form 

SUBMIT YOUR DATA: Within the data call you are submitting your interest to contribute with data (deadline: 18.11.2024), which has to be mobilized towards the eLTER Digital Asset Registry (DAR) during the project period (06.12.2024 – 31.10.2025). Please refer to the GUIDELINES before using the EXPRESSION OF INTEREST form.

For detailed information also refer to the eLTER Data Call Wiki Page

Submit Your Data

Closed: May 29, 2024
Incentive: Grant (up to 100k€)

Restore wetland ecosystems

Relevant habitats: Wetlands (mires, bogs, fens)
Requested Data / Requested Sites:

Call for at least 5 Associated Regions  that we can provide with technical assistance to use the outcomes and knowledge of Restore4Life to prepare roadmaps, plans, and projects to restore wetland ecosystems in their region.

Submit Your Data

Closed: Apr 26, 2024
Incentive: Grant (depends on country)

Fostering Agroecology at farm and landscape levels

Relevant habitats: Vegetated man-made habitats (agricultural, horticultural, domestic)
Requested Data / Requested Sites:

It is expected that proposals provide a clear added value to at least one of the general objectives and corresponding core themes of the AGROECOLOGY partnership under which framework this co-funded call is being conducted. It is strongly recommended that applicants consider the strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA)7 underpinning AGROECOLOGY when developing the project idea.

Submit Your Data

Closed: Apr 15, 2024
Incentive: n/a

Pollinators in gardens and agricultural areas

Relevant habitats: Vegetated man-made habitats (agricultural, horticultural, domestic)
Requested Data / Requested Sites:

Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) is looking for partners to engage in an exciting pan-European project on pollinators in gardens and agricultural areas. It involves setting a pair of Malaise traps, one in an agricultural field and another in a nearby large garden, during five consecutive weeks in spring/summer 2024.

The procedure is repeated throughout the sampling season in at least three areas. We will provide Malaise traps! Details available in our Pollinator Communities sampling SOP.

Submit Your Data

Closed: Nov 30, 2023
Incentive: Co-Authorship

Impact of different management regimes & interventions on Grassland Biodiversity Dynamics

Franziska Taubert / BioDT Project

Relevant habitats: Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens
Requested Data / Requested Sites:
  1. Plant functional type (grasses, small herbs, tall herbs, legumes) composition e.g. in % based on biomass, plant numbers, or cover etc.


  1. Additional grassland observations (time-series with exact dates of measurements) of aboveground biomass yield, vegetation height, etc. 

  2. Additional site information: daily weather variables, explicit management information, soil attributes and/or variables or 

  3. Additional background information: Grazing, Irrigation, Experimental designs (e.g. sowing details, ...), Experimental manipulations (e.g. weeding, CO2 fertilization, ...)

Submit Your Data

Closed: Nov 30, 2023
Incentive: Co-Authorship

Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic response of plant communities to different restoration methods

Relevant habitats: Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens
Requested Data / Requested Sites:
  1. Plant community composition at a site (presence and abundance of plant species);

  2. Time since restoration (in years);

  3. Restoration practices used at the site (e.g., reseeding vs. abandonment)


Submit Your Data

Closed: Nov 30, 2023
Incentive: Co-Authorship

Characterization of the water status with the Budyko framework

Relevant habitats: Wetlands (mires, bogs, fens); Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens; Heathlands, shrub and tundra; Forests and other wooded land; Vegetated man-made habitats (agricultural, horticultural, domestic); Inland surface standing waters; Inland surface running waters; Coastal (transitional) waters including coastal littoral zones; Sparsely vegetated habitats and deserts; Marine Ecosystems
Requested Data / Requested Sites:
  1. Site information: 
    latitude, longitude, elevation (in respect to sea level [m]), land cover

  2. Meteorological data: 
    yearly Precipitation in mm (accumulated based on gap-free data); yearly Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) in mm (accumulated based on gap-free data) derived from Penman Monteith; yearly Actual Evapotranspiration in mm (accumulated based on gap-free data) measured at the site (e.g., Eddy Covariance, Bowen ratio method or lysimeters)

IF PET is not available, please provide:

Maximum daily air temperature at 2 m height [°C],
Tmin = Minimum daily air temperature at 2 m height [°C],
Tmean = Minimum daily air temperature at 2 m height [°C],
Pressure = average atmospheric pressure [kPa] (If atmospheric pressure is missing, we will make predictions based on elevation.)
alpha = albedo or canopy reflection coefficient [dimensionless],
Rs = The incoming solar radiation [MJ m-2 day-1]. (If it is missing, we will predict it based on Tmax and Tmin and extraterrestrial radiation (Ra). The latter itself will be predicted based on the solar constant (Gsc = 0.0820), Latitude [rad], day of year, and number of days in the year.)

Uz = wind speed [m/s] measured at mH metre height
mH = measurement height of wind speed
RHmax = maximum relative humidity (%)
RHmin = minimum relative humidity (%)
RHmean = Mean relative humidity (%)
If all or part of the humidity data is missing or the quality is poor, we will make predictions based on the temperature data.

If the annual AET and P values are also not calculated due to data gaps, please provide us with the daily data of AET and P so that we can fill in the gaps and then make our own annual calculations.

Submit Your Data

Closed: Apr 30, 2023
Incentive: Co-Authorship

Biodiversity time series from European marine ecosystems

Peter Haase/ Carlos Cano-Barbacil

Relevant habitats: Marine Ecosystems
Requested Data / Requested Sites:
  1. Long term Information on one or more of the following: bacterioplankton, phytoplankton, macrophyte, zooplankton, invertebrate, fish, bird, and mammal data from European marine ecosystems

  2. Minimum number of sampling years: 8 (not necessary consecutive years)

  3. Sampling location of the respective taxa group did not change over time (but may vary between taxa groups)

  4. No change in season (= any three consecutive months), sampling method and taxonomic resolution over the observation period

  5. Taxa lists with abundance data (abundance, relative abundance, coverage, density, etc.)

  6. Sampling locations needs to be within the limits of the map 

Submit Your Data

Information for Site and Platform Coordinators
Why provide data?

By providing data, you can contribute to national and international research projects, grow your professional network, and reap a variety of benefits ranging from co-authorship in publications to invitations to conferences and call-related events, as indicated in the respective calls.

How do I provide data?

Please follow the instructions provided when clicking the green ‘Submit your data’ button in the respective call.

If you want to mobilise data without a direct connection to a call, please follow the same instructions provided in the publicly accessible eLTER Wiki entry here.

How are Site and Platform coordinators rewarded?

Researchers making data requests or offering opportunities for project contributions are asked to always provide incentives for Site and Platform Coordinators. Options for such incentives are: co-authorship, an acknowledgement in data/research papers, funding, an acknowledgement in social media or other media, an invitation to events related to the call, citation of a dataset, co-authorship for people involved in data collection, and scientific involvement. Please check each call for the offered incentives and clarify the specifics with the data requesters at the onset of your collaboration.

How are new data calls and offers for project contributions advertised and communicated?

These calls and offers will be… 

  • published on the eLTER Market Place (this page),

  • regularly emailed to all Site and Platform Coordinators,

  • regularly communicated during eLTER Site and Platform meetings,

  • published in the eLTER Newsletter,

  • shared on eLTER social media.

Information for Researchers with Data Requests / Project Contribution Offers
What kinds of data does eLTER have?

eLTER Sites and Platforms collect a wide range of data from the atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and sociosphere. An overview of all eLTER Standard Observations is here (link to upcoming SO page). An example of available datasets at site level is here. For more information on the development of eLTER Standard Observations, see here

Can’t find the data you are looking for? Please inquire at office @

How can I submit data requests or offers?

If you have a data request, we ask you to fill in this Data Requests Template and email it to office(at)

If you want to publish a project requesting contributions, please email us at office(at)

What happens after I submitted my request?

eLTER will review your request / offer and get in contact with you in case of unclarities. After positive evaluation, you will be notified and the request is published on the eLTER Market Place and regularly advertised.

What is my responsibility towards the data providers?

As data requester, it is your responsibility to communicate openly and clearly with the data provider for what purposes and by whom (if not yourself) the data will be used, where and how the data/results will be published, to provide updates on project progress, and to ensure that the data provider receives the incentive(s) advertised on the eLTER Market Place.

How are new data calls and offers for project contributions advertised and communicated?

These calls and offers will be… 

  • published on the eLTER Market Place (this page),

  • regularly emailed to all Site and Platform Coordinators,

  • regularly communicated during eLTER Site and Platform meetings,

  • published in the eLTER Newsletter,

  • shared on eLTER social media.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who will use the data and how will the data be used?

The data provided by you will be used by the issuer of the data request. The issuer of the data request is responsible to inform you about project progress and outcome, and will be in contact with you, as the data provider, to discuss the research done in detail as well as site-specific data issues. eLTER will publish only metadata of the provided data in the eLTER Data Asset Register, but data itself will not be published or made available outside the project consortium without consent from the data provider.

If the data is from more than one person, will all contributors be included in a future publication or do you have a limit on the number of people for each data set?

eLTER requires issuers of data calls to follow the common publishing rules, which indicate that all persons who have contributed significantly to a data set should be offered co-authorship. Data providers are encouraged to clarify the authorship and acknowledgement of all contributors to the provided data sets at the beginning of the collaboration.

How will I be informed about the status of calls where I provided data to?

eLTER will monitor and manage the calls and will answer questions on the general status of the calls. The issuer of the data request will answer specific questions and is responsible to inform you about the progress and outcome of the project. Outcomes from the calls, such as scientific publications, are provided in the ‘Outcomes’ section of each call on the eLTER Market Place. If you are aware of project outcomes not included on the eLTER Market Place, please inform us at office(at)

Outcomes of Past Calls

The below list will be updated with outcomes from data and project calls published on the Market Place. If you are aware of publications or other outcomes resulting from previous calls on the Market Place that are not listed here, please let us know at

  • Data Call by Franziska Taubert / BioDT Project: Impact of different management regimes & interventions on Grassland Biodiversity Dynamics → Taubert F, Rossi T, Wohner C, Venier S, Martinovič T, Khan T, Gordillo J, Banitz T (2024) Prototype Biodiversity Digital Twin: grassland biodiversity dynamics. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e124168.