eLTER EnRich Work Packages and their roles
eLTER EnRich will bridge the gap between the preparatory and operational phases of the eLTER ESFRI process through activities in 9 work packages
Mapping workflows underlying core eLTER services; designing and structuring the eLTER System Architecture using a system engineering approach; and assessing potential co-use of operational components and services from other RIs, networks, and infrastructures
Improving workflows; providing implementation scenarios based on different scenarios for timing and service hosting; and initiating a co-design process for the implementation of services
Designing the eLTER ERIC’s Cyberinfrastructure Plan 1.0; drafting standards for metadata and data attributes for Standard Observation variables; and implementing cyberinfrastructure components and functionalities
Designing a final Cyberinfrastructure Plan to inform the transition to ERIC operations; completing the data model with metadata for all mandatory eLTER Standard Observation variables; and implementing a structured and targeted enhancement of CI functionalities, focussing on co-design of services and possible co-implementation with other RIs
Supporting the legal, governance and financial frameworks of eLTER ERIC; prioritising core services for the next steps towards the eLTER RI; and developing a framework for hosting options and supporting early host selection processes
Taking over the formalisation of eLTER ERIC from the PPP project and preparing the last steps for the eLTER ERIC legal entity and distributed operations of the RI in the starting phase; finalising the policies, procedures and guidelines for initial core services in support of hosting agreements; and preparing the ground for long-term operational and financial sustainability for the eLTER ERIC
Ensuring continental coverage and network design with targeted enlargement of eLTER membership; promoting RI-RI relations and interoperability of eLTER services; and supporting the eLTER ESFRI process with targeted promotional campaigns and materials
Facilitating a proper composition of member countries; anchoring eLTER RI global collaborations and partnerships in the implementation plan and operations; and operating the eLTER RI communication and dissemination office in close collaboration with counterparts in national LTER networks
Strategic project coordination; ensuring seamless information flow between PPP, PLUS and EnRich projects; quality control and monitoring of project activities and resource usage; creating structural and legal prerequisites needed for attaining EnRich objectives, including maintaining the Data Management Plan