Work Package 1


Feedback received from SAB regarding first version of eLTER Strategic Plan

Feedback from SAB received (related to D 1.1 eLTER RI Strategic Plan)

Work Package 2


Interim eLTER Council established

Members nominated and constitutional (related to D 2.1 eLTER Interim Council Rules of Procedure and terms of reference)

Work Package 3


Decision on the form of the legal entity and its host place made by the eLTER Interim Council

eLTER IC has decided on the legal form for eLTER and approved the hosting country

Impact Sheets

Impact sheets 

information sheets showing how European LTER is used to address societally-relevant issues 

Impact magazine article

Mirtl, M. (2018). A continental view of connected environmental research. Impact, Volume 2018, Number 8, November 2018, pp. 30-32