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eLTER PPP Work Packages and their roles

eLTER PPP will take care of eLTERs solid anchoring and visible role in the Research Infrastructures landscapes by:

WP1 The future of the eLTER RI

Establishing the vision, mission and strategic collaboration schemes of the eLTER RI, securing international collaborations on global Grand challenges

WP5 Design and piloting of central services

Concluding the requirements of the eLTER RI to be met by the Central Services in support of excellent ecosystem research an other user groups

WP6 Operation and design: NRI

Finalising the technical specifications of eLTER RI for the National Research Infrastructure (NRI) design and establishing a site labelling process to support the national eLTER ESFRI processes

WP7 Dissemination and Communication

Setting up communication, dissemination and marketing structures suited for seamless continuation in eLTER RI

eLTER PPP will accomplish fundamental work on the way to a legal entity and fully operational Research Infrastructure. It will:

WP2 Governance and RI management

Plan and consolidate effective governance and management structures with shareholders

WP8 Project management

Prepare the Head Office and governance of decision making processes

WP3 Legal framework

Strive for a smooth transition from preparation into operation by timely establishing a legal entity and by taking appropriate measures to avoid known risks

WP4 Financial framework

Provide a cost benefit analysis and secure appropriate financial planning