Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER’s stakeholders and users

We classified all potential stakeholders and users of eLTER RI into 32 stakeholder groups. They were then clustered in 7 Stakeholder categories:

Researchers and Science Stakeholders

are the main direct users of eLTER RI services and range from individual scientists, research-performing organisations, and research networks to pertinent science initiatives at international level.

Research and Research Infrastructure Funders

ranging from national to European level, as well as international funding organisations that are involved in financing and ensuring the sustainability of research infrastructures.

Peers in Research and Observation

such as related in-situ and remote monitoring and observation networks and organisations (e.g. UNECE Working Group on Effects, JRC, ESA/Copernicus, EIONET) and related research infrastructures in the environmental domain, including European-level e-infrastructures (e.g. LifeWatch ERIC) and e-infrastructure initiatives like the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). eLTER also uses global best examples and peers (WMO, GEO, ILTER) for orientation, and will make efforts to provide in-situ infrastructure and services of global relevance.

Internal Stakeholders

such as the Site and Platform Coordinators, the Site- and Platform-operating institutions, and the Coordinators of national LTER networks.

Government and Policy Decision-makers 

ranging from European policy makers, European agencies in the realm of eLTER (e.g. EEA, JRC, contributors to monitoring and conservation directives), to national and regional authorities and policy makers. Global agencies and intergovernmental organisations are also included here. 

Businesses and Industries

that use services of the eLTER RI and/or that enable innovation and cooperation in e.g. observation and information management, as well as environmental (impact) consultants and spatial architects. 

Civil Society Organisations

and the public ranging from Citizen Science organisations, environmental NGOs, and land- and forest-owners’ organisations to the wider public.