Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Overall design and costs taking shape

To meet the eLTER Strategic Goals, we designed and started to pilot Central Services. These services cover data management, design optimisation, technological innovation, analyses & modelling, synthesis toward actionable knowledge, central analytics, and Head Office. 

After several rounds of applying the criteria for sites and platforms in 26 countries, we achieved a tangible picture of the emerging physical network of eLTER RI. The coverage by eLTER Sites is remarkably high with three gap areas identified (Iberian, Nordic, Eastern). Network densification is under discussion with the countries of highest potential for gap closure. 

Combining options for the Service Portfolio with options for the physical network, we elaborated scenarios for the eLTER RI overall design. A scenario with 12-18 countries in the founding phase and an indicative budget of 9 Mio EUR for the Central services as adopted by the 6th Interim Council. 

Outlook: The eLTER coordination has entered an intense dialogue with those countries that have the highest potential to fill gaps in the physical network.