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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Developing our service portfolio

eLTER RI will provide access to ~250 well equipped sites and platforms. Data gathered at these sites will be integrated with a wide range of other data from various sources, including remote sensing and official statistics. Research based on this wealth of information will provide insights into the functioning of our life supporting system. 

We are developing our service to build on and complement these core activities to serve our stakeholder groups. These range from scientific research to decision-making and business & industry. 

Some of the services are already in operation, others are currently specified and piloted within 7 Thematic Service Areas (TSA) including the Head office. All services will be available via the Service Portal. 

As the detailed implementation plans for the service portfolio takes shape, we will identify a number of Topic Centres to add value to the operation and evolutions of the eLTER RI’s capabilities.  

Which Stakeholder Group do you belong to?

Technological Innovation and Development

These services will be aimed at the commercial sector and other organisations that will benefit from the eLTER RI as a testbed for new sensors and observation technologies. Through these services eLTER RI will seek to collaboratively increase the technological capabilities of the RI through research and development of new commercial and open source technologies in environmental monitoring.