Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Head Office


This service ensures two concrete functions and as such also supports directly TSA05  ‘Synthesis towards actionable knowledge’. a) It is in charge of communication and coordination of external inquiries of eLTER experts to bring in their specific expertise in  European, regional and local panels/ expert groups/ councils or as speakers and representatives. In this function, eLTER will be at the pulse of ongoing and upcoming requirements at various levels and will b) maintain a dialogue and knowledge exchange through consulting on policy relevant matters related to eLTER products.  

Key features

  • Ensures communication and coordination of external inquiries of eLTER experts to bring in their specific expertise in  European, regional and local panels/ expert groups/ councils or as speakers and representatives.
  • Maintains a dialogue and knowledge exchange through consulting on policy relevant matters related to eLTER products -provides input to TSA05 regarding the need for creation and co-design of user-targeted products.

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Project development and support


This service will initiate, help and support initiatives on the project development and proposal writing to acquire funding and match the eLTER services to societal and scientific needs derived from global, regional and local strategies and high-level policy documents. In this context, eLTER HO will a) proactively screen third party calls (Horizon Europe, Biodiversa+, etc) from distinctive large scale funders (European Union), b) advertise funding possibilities among the addressed SH groups, c) provide network relevant information (targeted sites, possible partners, basic numbers), d) assist in setting up strategically and scientifically optimised project consortia (relevant experts, NGOs, SME etc to contact), e) act as broker between proposal PIs and Site and Platform Coordinators regarding selection of eLTER facilities (eLTER Sites and eLTSER Platforms) for sampling and scaling of developed approaches, or any TA, RA, VA scheme and f) support during the proposal writing phase with advising/reviewing activities

Key features

  • Proactively screen third party calls (Horizon Europe, Biodiversa+, etc) from distinctive large scale funders (European Union).
  • Advertise funding possibilities among the addressed SH groups.
  • Provide network relevant information (targeted sites, possible partners, basic numbers).
  • Assist in setting up strategically and scientifically optimised project consortia (relevant experts, NGOs, SME etc to contact).
  • Act as broker between proposal PIs and Site and Platform Coordinators regarding selection of eLTER facilities (eLTER Sites and eLTSER Platforms) for sampling and scaling of developed approaches, or any TA, RA, VA scheme.
  • Support during the proposal writing phase with advising/reviewing activities.

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This service will provide access to required numbers (KPIs) and information to enable sound impact and performance analysis, raise awareness and support well informed network, community and RI development. In this regard the eLTER HO will constantly collate and update all required information/data/numbers, feed and maintain relevant databases, and take over the communication within the eLTER RI, the eLTER community and to external Stakeholders to ensure seamless and timely assessment, feedback along with proper technical monitoring solutions in the background.

Key features

  • Collate and update all Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
  • Provide access to KPIs.
  • Provide elaborated information to enable sound impact and performance analysis, raise awareness and support well informed network, community and RI development.

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Communication and Promotion


This service will provide targeted information prepared and regularly disseminated to each stakeholder category and priority stakeholder groups. This takes into account the experience of significantly different terminology, main interests and service requirements in the wide eLTER stakeholder landscape. Particularly at national level, the involvement of and communication with communication representatives is seen as a highly recommended way of conveying the information flow.  

Key features

  • Provisioning of targeted information prepared and regularly disseminated to each SH Category and priority SH Groups.
  • Outreach to further potential stakeholder groups in order to raise the awareness of eLTER RI, its services and offered stakeholder specific advantages.
  • Provide customised graphical elements, formats etc. to increase the attractiveness and uptake via various media and information channels (website, graphics, brochures, infosheets, videos, newsletter etc).

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Partnerships and liasoning


This service is to liaise with eLTER RI colleagues in the field of environmental research and observations and supporting services (in particular e-infrastructures). Collaboration could include co-design and development of standards and services, co-location of sites, communication and strategic cooperation. One strand of this service in this context includes networking and outreach activities, mainly to the business and industry stakeholder group (direct contacts but also organisation of specific events (fairs, ring tests, hackathons, etc.) in close cooperation with TSA03).

Key features

  • Provisioning of targeted information prepared and regularly disseminated to each Stakeholder Category and priority Stakeholder Groups. 
  • Continuously develop and collate general but also Stakeholder Category/Group specific information.
  • Provide customised graphical elements, formats etc. to increase the attractiveness and uptake via various media and information channels (website, graphics, brochures, infosheets, videos, newsletter etc).
  • Maintain involvement and communication to communication representatives on a national level.

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High-level representation, promotion and strategic alliances


The aim of this service is to increase eLTER's visibility, improve the uptake of its services and continuously explore opportunities for high-level collaboration across organisational levels (national, European, global). eLTER will be established as a reliable partner in strategic alliances, including environmental policy frameworks. The eLTER Head Office will take a leading role in either representing eLTER RI or coordinating the engagement of leading experts in this representation. This role requires eLTER to be involved in high level bodies (EC, Expert Groups, Panels, etc.) and to attend regular meetings, to promote eLTER at various levels, but also to conduct dedicated meetings/workshops as a basis for forming strategic alliances.  

Key features

  • Increase the eLTER visibility, enhance service uptake and continuously explore high-level collaboration possibilities across organisational levels (nationally, Europe, globally).
  • Represent eLTER RI and coordinate leading expert engagement in this representation in high-level bodies (EC, Expert groups, panels etc.).
  • Also to perform dedicated meetings/workshops as a basis for forming strategic alliances.

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Promoting access (not (yet) considering support for visitors)


This service is to 1) provide and facilitate open access, physically and remotely, 2) to increase visibility of eLTER facilities (sites and platforms) among research communities and networks, 3) to provide incentives for sites and platforms to upgrade their observations, and 4) to promote FAIR principles. The eLTER Head Office will administer the access program (transnational, remote and virtual opportunities), which includes marketing and promotion of the access opportunities, but also maintaining high service standards of access projects management and training site staff in provisioning access.

Key features

  • Provide and facilitate open access, physically and remotely to eLTER facilities (sites and platforms).
  • Increase visibility of eLTER facilities among research communities and networks.
  • Provide incentives for Sites and Platforms to upgrade their observations.
  • Promote FAIR principles.

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NRI & community development and management


This service aims to increase the visibility and transparency of the entire network of distributed in-situ facilities and its component National Research Infrastructures (NRIs) to national and international funding agencies. This is essential to promote national developments and participation in eLTER activities and to achieve design and funding alignment. Sites and platforms achieving eLTER status (through the labelling process), reflecting their compliance with the high standards of data, services and facilities, will thus demonstrate a continuous response to the evolving and challenging needs of the user communities. The eLTER RI Head Office will support national LTER network co-ordinations in membership issues, network design, tools, training and communication (e.g. national network workshops).  

Key features

  • Broaden the visibility and the transparency of the entire distributed in-situ facilities network and its component National Research Infrastructures (NRIs) to national and international funding agencies.
  • Advancing the national developments and participation in the eLTER activities and achieving design- and funding alignment.
  • Support the national LTER network coordinations in terms of membership issues, network design, tools, training and communications.

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Management, governance and steering across eLTER RI components


This service will manage the overall administration of eLTER RI, the activities of the topic centres and other organisational units, and interface with the funding shareholders at the General Assembly. The eTLER RI Head Office will manage the overall administration (accounting, human resources, legal, interface with EC (reporting), support to General Assembly and advisory bodies, etc.), operate the legal entity, and ensure strategic development and sustainability. It will also coordinate the work of the Topic Centres and participating Service Hosts and interface with the RPOs as one of the main users of the RI. All activities will be carried out in accordance with the eLTER RI Integrated Governance, which will be fine-tuned as required and continuously monitored for possible adjustments and improvements.

Key features

  • Manage overall administration (accounting, human resources, legal affairs, interfacing with EC (reporting), support of the General Assembly and the advisory bodies, etc.).
  • Operate the legal entity -ensure the strategic development and sustainability.
  • Coordinate the operation of the Topic Centres and the involved service hosts.
  • Interface with the Research Performing Organisation as one of the main users of the RI.
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Service portal/helpdesk operation and iterative improvement


This service is designed to provide a user-friendly central helpdesk interface dedicated to assisting eLTER stakeholders with their technical or non-technical issues, questions and problems, and to provide prompt and efficient support and resolution to various types of enquiries and challenges. The second element is the Service Portal. The Service Portal will be the single entry point for all eLTER services. The eLTER Head Office will be heavily involved in co-designing and then continuously populating the central knowledge bases (containing consistent information on RI metadata, contacts, outreach, etc.), as well as in operating and continuously improving the Service Portal and its functionality.

Key features

  • Provide and operate a user-friendly central Helpdesk interface.
  • Assist eLTER stakeholders with their technical or non-technical issues, questions, and problems.
  • Provide prompt and efficient support and resolution to various types of inquiries and challenges.
  • Operating and constant improvement of the Service Portal and its functionality.
  • Co-designing and continuously populating the central knowledge bases (containing consistent information on RI metadata, contacts, outreach, etc.).
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Competence building and staff training


This service will address the human resources and career development aspects of the target stakeholders and the attraction of new early career scientists and technical staff to ensure sustainability. The eLTER Head Office will be in charge of the general organisational task (content planning, venue, facilitators, dissemination, registration, execution, feedback, reimbursements, etc.), but also of the strategic planning of courses to be offered, suitable formats, suitable partners (RI, RPO, etc.) to both retain and attract eLTER colleagues.

Key features

  • Addresses personnel and career development aspects of addressed stakeholders.
  • Improves the attractiveness to new scientists and technical personnel in their early career to guarantee sustainability.

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Strategic RI planning and improvement based on internal and external feedback


This service will enhance, develop and adopt the eLTER RI in response to emerging societal and research challenges. This includes all major components, namely (1) services, (2) organisational structure, (3) physical network design and component in-situ facilities, and (4) collaborations and alliances. The eLTER RI Head Office will continuously lead and coordinate the process of strategy building and RI design improvement. This service implies the continuous collection, analysis and review of stakeholder feedback and requires appropriate feedback mechanisms, regular meetings/workshops, etc.

Key features

  • Improve, further develop and adopt the eLTER RI according to emerging societal and research challenges.
  • Continuously lead and coordinate the process of strategy building and RI design improvement.
  • Permanent compilation, analysis and review of stakeholder feedback according to appropriate feedback mechanisms, regular meetings/workshops etc.

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The service aims to build the community of eLTER Sites and Platform coordinators (SPCs) and to make it easier to develop and communicate joint activities (e.g. training) that benefit that community. In addition to enhancing networking, the SPF is intended to make it easier to co-design and co-create the future working environment at eLTER sites at the national and European scales. This includes, for example, identifying the services and tools eLTER should provide. The input from SPCs and from the eLTER National Research Infrastructure (NRIs) are key in the eLTER ESFRI process.

Key features

  • Provide platform for eLTER Sites and Platform coordinators (SPCs) for communication and exchange or for establishing joint activities (e.g. training).
  • Allow for a strong voice in developing the eLTER (nationally, internationally) (and mandate for initiating joint activities and thereby shape the emerging infrastructure).
  • Facilitate co-design and co-creation processes (to shape SPCs future working environment at the national and European scales).

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