Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Analysis Tools and Modelling

Catalogue for the discovery and access to tools and models enabling stakeholders to utilise eLTER data


This service provides and maintains a catalogue of analytical tools and models for eLTER data. The aim is to allow stakeholders to discover and select the models and tools that best meet their requirements. The catalogue includes a variety of analysis tools and models that can be used with eLTER data, all accompanied by user-friendly documentation. This service will also provide benchmarks based on variables provided by eLTER Standard Observations (SOs), allowing stakeholders to assess whether the tools and models meet the required standards.

Service Fact Sheet

Key features

  • Provides and maintains a catalogue of analysis tools and models for eLTER data (fully coupled model systems, physics-based and empirical models, analytical tools, specific visualisation tools).
  • Allows stakeholders to discover and select the models and tools most suited for their requirements.
  • Provides full and user-friendly documentation.
  • Provides benchmarks based on variables provided by eLTER Standard Observations (SOs).
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Production and access to synthesized and gap free data products from site to network, ecosystem and European scale based on ecosystem reanalysis (integrating models and data) and capitalising on the data legacy of the eLTER RI sites


This service produces and provides access to synthesised, harmonised, consistent and gap-free data for (ideally) all Standard Observations (SOs) based on ecosystem reanalyses. These data products are based on the integration, incorporation (e.g. by data assimilation) and/or gap filling of legacy data from eLTER RI sites. The tools used to produce these data products include a) Fully coupled model systems covering the whole terrestrial system from groundwater and land surface processes to the atmosphere, providing gap-filled, regionalised, integrated fields for many abiotic SOs, b) physics-based and empirical models focusing on one or more components of the ecosystem (e.g. land surface models, hydrological models, vegetation models, crop models), providing gap-filled, harmonised, regionalised and integrated abiotic and biotic SOs, c) Statistical tools, e.g. using machine learning, providing gap-filled, harmonised, regionalised and integrated abiotic and biotic SOs.

Service Fact Sheet

Key features

  • Produce and provide access to synthesised, harmonised, consistent, and gap free data for (ideally) all SOs (Standard Observation) on the basis of ecosystem reanalyses.
  • The different methods, tools, and models used to generate the data products allow stakeholders to select the data set(s) most suitable to their specific requirements, but also to work with multi-model ensembles.
  • Data products are based on the integration, ingestion (e.g., through data assimilation), and/or gap filling of legacy data from eLTER RI sites (remote sensing products can be used to support the gap-filling and regionalization processes).
  • Data products will cover different spatio-temporal scales, ranging from site-specific time series to 2D/3D fields covering entire catchments, landscapes, or even the entire European continent
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Support for the development of stakeholder-specific analyses, data products, and tools based on eLTER data at multiple spatio-temporal scales and across ecological domains


This service supports the development of analyses, data products, methods, analysis tools and models based on eLTER data to meet specific user needs. Developments will be co-designed with stakeholders and may also use the existing analysis tools and models as well as the harmonised, gap-free data products or other legacy data from eLTER RI sites to address specific environmental issues. Special emphasis will be placed on analysis and modelling of integrated, transdisciplinary approaches, e.g. by combining abiotic/biotic or ecological/sociological processes and data, or by allowing attribution of (e.g. abiotic) drivers of (e.g. biotic) changes in a hierarchical manner within eLTER's Whole System Approach.

Service Fact Sheet

Key features

  • Supports the development of analyses, data products, methods, analysis tools and models  based on eLTER data to meet specific user needs.
  • Developments will be co-designed with stakeholders and can also make use of the existing analysis tools and models (see catalogue 04_AM.1) as well as the harmonised, gap-free data products provided by 04_AM.2 or other legacy data from eLTER RI sites to address specific environmental issues (e.g. natural capital, carbon sequestration, carbon credits).
  • This service supports the integration and harmonisation of eLTER data with other data sources, such as remote sensing data products, data products from other research infrastructures, (national) observation networks or citizen science data.
  • Special emphasis will be placed on the analysis and modelling of integrated, transdisciplinary approaches, e.g. by combining abiotic/biotic or ecological/sociological processes and data, or by allowing attribution of (e.g. abiotic) drivers of (e.g. biotic) changes in a hierarchical manner within within eLTER's Whole System Approach.
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Support for the simulation of scenarios and storylines assessing the impacts of environmental and anthropogenic changes on ecosystem functioning and services


This service supports the simulation and analysis of environmental and socio-economic scenarios and storylines, co-designed with stakeholders. Simulations will be based on eLTER data, in particular the harmonised and gap-filled data products generated, and appropriate analysis tools and models. Simulation results should enable/support evaluation of strategies for decision making in ecosystem management, e.g. through sensitivity tests and impact studies. Scenarios and storylines simulated with the support of this service aim at assessing the impact on ecosystem functioning of environmental constraints (e.g. induced by global warming, extreme hydro-meteorological events), anthropogenic constraints (e.g. land use change, ecosystem management strategies) or a combination of both (e.g. SSPs - Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, post-fire ecosystem recovery strategies).

Service Fact Sheet  

Key features

  • Provides support for the simulation and analysis of environmental and socio-economic scenarios and storylines, co-designed with stakeholders.
  • Simulations can be performed for individual eLTER sites or habitats, entire ecosystems, or the whole European continent.
  • Enables/underpins the assessment of strategies for decision making in ecosystem management, e.g., through sensitivity tests and impact studies.
  • Supports impact assessment on ecosystem functioning of environmental constraints (e.g., induced by global warming, extreme hydro-meteorological events), anthropogenic constraints (e.g., land use change, ecosystem management strategies), or a combination of both (e.g., SSPs - Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, ecosystem recovery strategies after wildfire).
  • Directly supports Topic Centre on Synthesis by providing stakeholder-targeted data products, or simulations for scenarios and storylines.
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