Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research



The eLTER Science Conference invites researchers from diverse disciplines to participate in a collaborative exploration of the complex interactions among living organisms, humans, and their physical environment within the critical zone. This conference aims to foster inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue among researchers and science stakeholders, enabling actionable knowledge that supports the habitability and well-being of current and future generations on our planet.

The conference program will feature keynote presentations and topical sessions, including opportunities for both oral and poster presentations. The submission period for extended abstracts is now open via the online ARPHA publishing platform. Each abstract will be evaluated by the respective session conveners, and authors will receive notification of acceptance and presentation format via ARPHA. 

The deadline for abstract submission was extended to January 31, 2025. Call for Abstracts is now Closed.

Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the eLTER Science Conference 2025 Proceedings and will be assigned a permalink (DOI).

For your convenience, download Instructions for Authors: eLTER Science Conference Abstract Submission

Please note that all presenters must Register for the conference prior to the final approval of their extended abstract for publication.

Submit Your Abstract


How do I submit an abstract? What does the abstract submission process look like?

Is abstract submission equal to applying for a talk/poster at the eLTER Science Conference?

Yes, submitting an abstract means you are applying to give an oral presentation or a poster presentation at the eLTER Science Conference. You can specify your preferred presentation format by stating “ORAL” or “POSTER” in the “Presented at” section during the abstract submission process. This section can be found on the left-hand side of the abstract submission page. Please note that the final decision regarding the format will be determined by the conveners and based on the conference schedule and will be communicated by mid-March 2025.

How much does it cost to submit an abstract?

Submitting your abstract is free of charge. If the abstract is approved for presentation, then you need to register for the Conference and pay the required fees. If an accepted abstract is not accompanied by the presenting author’s timely registration for the conference (by 25 April 2025), it will be excluded from publication in the eLTER Science Conference proceedings, despite its initial acceptance.

What are the formatting guidelines for abstracts?

Guidelines for abstract formatting can be found here. You can also browse here for some useful tips on how to use the writing tool's features: the left side menu serves as a table of contents and "Ctrl+F plus a keyword" works as a search engine. Should you have any technical questions regarding the formatting, you can contact ACA’s Help Desk via the direct button found at the top of the abstract submission page.

Can I edit my abstract after submission?

After submitting your abstract, it will undergo a technical review. During this review, reviewers (i.e. session conveners) may comment on your abstract and request edits. You will receive an email notification when the review is complete, along with instructions for making the necessary changes. Once the revisions are made, the abstract can be submitted for another round of technical review, if needed. There can be as many technical rounds of review within the writing tool as found necessary by the session conveners. Once they approve your abstract for submission to ACA, you will be notified, and you will be able to apply only minor final edits (updates of the metadata, and the acknowledgment section, the addition of funder / funding program / hosting institution details, etc. After completing the submission steps which transfer the abstract from the writing tool to ARPHA Conference Abstracts, no further edits are allowed. Please ensure that all reviewers’ suggestions are followed to avoid rejection. If you need technical help with editing, contact ACA’s Help Desk via the Help Desk button on the abstract submission page.

What is the deadline for abstract submission?

The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to January 31, 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted.

What are the criteria for abstract selection?

Submitted abstracts are evaluated by the session conveners to which they are assigned. You will be asked to select a session (referred to as a "collection" in the ARPHA system) during the submission process, and the selected session’s conveners will be assigned as your abstract reviewers. Criteria vary by session but generally include relevance to the session topic, scientific merit, and originality. If your abstract is rejected, you may contact the session conveners for feedback, though they are not required to provide it.

How will I know if my abstract has been accepted?

Once your abstract is accepted, you will receive an email titled "ARPHA Conference Abstracts: Manuscript Submission #NUMBER Acknowledgement." This email indicates that your abstract has been accepted for contributing to the Conference but does not specify the final format of your presentation (oral/poster). The information about the format of your presentation will be communicated at a later date (mid-March 2025) via a separate email from the Conference organizers. All accepted abstracts will be published in spring 2025 after the abstract call is closed.

Important: If you do not receive an Acknowledgement specifying an ACA ID, this means that the abstract submission remains incomplete. The submitting author should reach the incomplete section of their ACA dashboard, and regain the submission process from where it stopped until the process is complete. For stepwise instructions refer to:

Can I submit an abstract if I have a Russian or Belarusian academic affiliation?

Following the University of Helsinki policy, the eLTER Science Conference does not accept presenters (neither oral nor poster presentation) affiliated with Russian or Belarusian universities or institutes. For more details: 

Is abstract submission the same as registration to the conference?

No, abstract submission and conference registration are separate processes handled by different service providers. Acceptance of your abstract does not automatically register you for the conference, and registration does not guarantee that you can give an oral or poster presentation.