Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


27 September 2021
The second eLTER Interim Council took place from 29-30 June 2021 with 50 representatives of 19 countries and the project’s Steering committee. Among the important decisions taken during the meeting were the election of Kevin Bishop (Sweden) as the Chai...
21 September 2021
Insects have an important function for both ecosystems and the economy. Almost 90% of flowering wild plants worldwide depend at least partially on pollination by animals. And more than 75% of all crops also need pollinators if they are to produce a high y...
2 August 2021
150 people, 40 presentations, 6 countries, 4 sessions, 3 keynotes and 3 workshops: this is how the first Finnish Eco­sys­tem Science Meeting (FESM), that took place at the beginning of May,could be described in numbers.This was the first combined meeting ...
31 July 2021
The Global Ecosystem Research Infrastructure (GERI) arranged a session in the vEGU2021. The session consisted of 10 presentations covering topics like water resources and oceans, SDG’s addressed by RIs, climate models informing policy decisions and the fu...
28 July 2021
Country: PortugaleLTER site: Baixo Sabor LTERThe Baixo Sabor LTsER is located in Portugal, in the region of Trás-os-Montes, within the watershed of the Sabor river (3868 km2), which drains into the Douro river. It encompasses the lower reaches of the Sabo...
25 July 2021
Recently we completed our Communication Handbook aimed at providing tips and tricks for effective communication and furthering its efforts of creating a coherent outreach.
24 July 2021
Israel recently had its first "malaise trap" facility installed in the country. It is expected to contribute to research on the disappearance of flying insects in the area and throughout the world.
23 July 2021
In a collaborative effort of multiple LTER member networks, as well as external input from the University of Maryland and the University of Salzburg, ILTER has funded and recently published an open-access study dedicated to assessing the biogeographical a...
22 July 2021
The monitoring station of Companhia das Lezírias (CL) joined the LIFEPLAN project, as a representative of the montado landscape. Every week and until 2026, the cE3c team will collect the images and sounds recorded automatically by cameras and audiomoths i...
20 July 2021
Country: SloveniaeLTER site: Postojna-Planina Cave SystemKarst areas are characterized by solubility of carbonate rocks, resulting in predominantly underground drainage. Due to rapid flow and quick transmission of any substances, these areas are very vuln...