Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


29 October 2021
Scientific research on SocioEcoSystem (SESs) has grown exponentially since the seventies, but because of the heterogeneity in the actors, the disciplines and the collected data, some efforts are still necessary to build a common language anda thesaurus fo...
29 October 2021
LTER-Greece has finished updating its website and is happy to present its brand new look to the public. The online address remains the same: from a fresh new visual identity, the website also delivers updated fact sheets ...
27 October 2021
The international team of researchers working to advance the eLTER data service portal concept and pilot socio-economic and environmental data welcomed a sixth LTSER platform to the fold. The eLTER Slovakian partners, ILE SAS, responsible for the task ...
26 October 2021
In June 2021, the Czech LTER network successfully held their annual meeting near Sokolov (CZ). The decision was made to meet in person because of significant recent progress in Czechia's involvement in the building of eLTER RI after the government express...
24 October 2021
From 28-31March 2022, the first international conference on microclimate ecology and biogeography, supported by the SoilTemp network, will be held in Antwerp, Belgium. The Microclimate Ecology & Biogeography conference aims to be the first large ...
8 October 2021
The International Long Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) announces the start of a webinar series to share and learn research findings using the ILTER sites worldwide. For the first webinar they have invited as speakers two outstanding young an...
28 September 2021
Considered as a major milestone in the development of the French national research infrastructure on Critical Zone "OZCAR", The 1st OZCAR summer school supported by CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and IRD (French National Institute f...
28 September 2021
It will be an exaggeration to say that most people barely remember what working on international projects was like before the COVID-19 pandemic. But it is true that we got used to “the new normal” – seemingly endless virtual meetings, repurposing our home...
27 September 2021
The second eLTER Interim Council took place from 29-30 June 2021 with 50 representatives of 19 countries and the project’s Steering committee. Among the important decisions taken during the meeting were the election of Kevin Bishop (Sweden) as the Chai...
21 September 2021
Insects have an important function for both ecosystems and the economy. Almost 90% of flowering wild plants worldwide depend at least partially on pollination by animals. And more than 75% of all crops also need pollinators if they are to produce a high y...