Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


15 April 2022
With our whole system, place-based approach, the eLTER RI is well placed toaddress some of the most pressing environmental problems facing Europe today. However, a single Research Infrastructure (RI) cannot hope to generate all the knowledge needed to build a sustainable future. Instead that knowledge has to come from multiple sources, including a range of RIs. Co-location of multiple RIs at the same physical location offers a unique opportunity to create actionable knowledge synthesized from th...
12 April 2022
In 2021 the Netherlands Long-Term Ecosystem Research Network (LTER-NL) was included in the list of Large Scale Research Infrastructure (LSRI) by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).This means that LTER-NL is now recognized as a LSRI and can apply for funding within the Dutch system. We therefore put in a large grant earlier this month where LTER-NL teams up with LifeWatch-NL and with a national scheme that monitors abiotic environmental variables (NemNet).Making use of the...
12 April 2022
The SMEAR site (Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations) is situated in the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station of the University of Helsinki, in southern Finland. The site consists of a managed, 60-year old boreal Scots pine forest stand, two open oligotrophic fen sites and a humic lake with a forested catchment. In addition to eLTER, the site belongs to the ICOS and ACTRIS infrastructures with four labelled ICOS stations and an ACTRIS labelling process currently beginning. There are a...
6 April 2022
Around 30 representatives from the 26 eLTER countries make up the National comms team (NCT) as the next stage in the strategic communication and dissemination development of eLTER.The team has three main specific tasks: to further distribute the eLTER projects’ news across their communities, to focus more attention on the research and work being done by each national network, and to gather better knowledge of the specific communication difficulties and opportunities in each country.The NCT will...
6 April 2022
The Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Gothenburg is looking for an Associate Senior Lecturer in Ecosystem Science. The Department trains Earth scientists and geographers, who can meet the increased need for geoscientists and geographers in society. It has bachelor and master programs in Earth Sciences and in Geography as well as third-cycle education in several Earth Science subjects. Its main research themes are “Climate and Climate Change”, “Earth Surface Processes” and “The Ge...
4 April 2022
The annual meeting of the French OZCAR NRI (Critical Zone Observatories, research and applications) was held in the South of France, March 7 to 10th, 2022 at Vogüe on the banks of the Ardèche River under the scientific banner "sediments and contamination".The OZCAR NRI gathers 21 long-term field observatories monitoring one or several compartments of the Critical Zone and aims to develop a systemic understanding of the environment. The conference was held in a hybrid mode and allowed the pa...
4 April 2022
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-TECH-01-01Lead by: Dr Damien Lecarpentier, CSC FinlandBudget: ~€12MLifespan: June 2022 – May 2025The goal of BioDT is to push the current boundaries of predictive understanding of biodiversity dynamics by developing a Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) providing advanced modelling, simulation and prediction capabilities. By using already existing technologies and data from relevant research infrastructures in new ways, the BioDT will be able to accurately and quantitatively mod...
4 April 2022
Raising awareness on Gender Equality issues is part of eLTER’s Strategic Plan. This year, as part of this objective, eLTER held a celebratory event to increase the visibility of research done by women in the network. The online event opened with an introduction to the eLTER Gender Equality plan by Terhi Rasilo (UH/Finland). Next, Alessandra Pugnetti (CNR/Italy) talked about Walking on "uncomfortable " paths to explore a broader idea of Nature based on experience in LTER-Italy. Pugnetti’s ta...
1 April 2022
Looking backwards eLTER can duly state to have made the best of the time since Covid-19 hit the globe in March 2020. In teams from 26 countries we have elaborated many components of the eLTER Research Infrastructure´s foundation. Reasonably sized groups of established teams have partly been even more efficient, when virtually collaborating on concrete tasks. However, we all have experienced the limitations of virtual interaction beyond certain group sizes, in attracting and integrating new exper...
9 March 2022
ACTRIS invites researchers to register and submit their scientific contributions to the 1st ACTRIS Science Conference, due to take place virtually on May 11th-13th, 2022. Important dates:Abstract submission deadline: 25 March 2022 – no late submission will be considered.Registration deadline: 2 May 2022Poster submission deadline: 4 May 2022The conference will be held in conjunction with the ACTRIS course on atmospheric observations and will be organised jointly by the Institute for Atm...