25 January 2023
New research on microplastics using eLTER data has been published. Microplastics (MPs), which are defined as all plastic particles smaller than 5 mm, can create health problems for all living organisms, including humans, due to their very small size. Recent research has shown that, unexpectedly, mountain snowpack can store high amounts of MPs, derived from both atmospheric deposition and local sources (e.g., tourism).During the 2020-2021 winter, the team investigated the MP content of snow at th...
24 January 2023
The Department of Music at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is looking for a PhD in Musicology and Interdisciplinary Ocean Studies.The PhD candidate will undertake independent research that connects music studies (broadly understood) to marine environmental topics. The PhD candidate will be hosted by the Department of Music and will develop a research project that sits within the university’s strategic research area NTNU Oceans. NTNU Oceans has coordinated several projects in t...
24 January 2023
EuroGEO is Europe’s part of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) - a worldwide network working to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). The aim is to provide a coherent picture of environmental and Earth observation in Europe by combining existing Earth observation assets and initiatives. Fundamental to this is the provision of in-situ data for calibration and validation purposes which was emphasized several times during a recent EuroGEO workshop.eLTER was represented at t...
23 January 2023
Between 29 November and 1 December, eLTER held its first hybrid Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and Steering Committees (SC) meeting in Berlin. 25 members of the SC and 5 members of the SAB met physically at the Berlin Office of the Helmholtz Association joined by 60online participants from research performing organisations during a dedicated half day info session.Michel Mirtl, co-coordinator of eLTER, opened the meeting with the followinginspiring words:“This meeting marks a milestone in severa...
20 January 2023
The Faculty of Geosciences - Department of Geography at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München is looking for a Scientific researcher modeling Earth system feedbacks.The chair for Physical Geography and Land Use Systems (Prof. Julia Pongratz) at LMU’s Department of Geography investigates the interactions between natural ecosystems, land use and climate change. Its group develops and applies the latest generation of land and Earth system models and integrates them with observations. Key resea...
19 January 2023
On 17-18 January the eLTER coordination, National Coordinators and site managers from Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland and the UK gathered in Brussels to discuss current developments in their national networks.The meeting proved to be a great opportunity to identify common challenges and exchange experiences with pushing forward national processes towards establishing eLTER. Moreover, the participants were thoroughly updated on the current status of eLTER from a European perspective.“It was a u...
7 December 2022
Through cutting-edge research in the fields of ENERGY, HEALTH and MATTER, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) solves some of the pressing societal and industrial challenges of our time. Join our 1.500 employees from more than 50 nations at one of our six research sites and help us moving research to the next level!The Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) is a German-Polish research center for data-intensive digital systems research. CASUS was founded in 2019 in Görlitz and c...
25 November 2022
In the framework of its Research Initiatives scheme, ILTER provides small research grants for compact projects, or for instance as seed grants for larger undertakings, or for supporting thesis or post-doctoral work by young scientists.ILTER ensures the scientific quality of the supported Research Initiatives through a competitive and professional approach of projects selection.Its call for proposals is open to all interested parties, and it is set up in a bottom-up fashion, that is, applicants a...
24 November 2022
Aarhus University is looking for an academic technician/research engineer with a PhD in aerosol physics/engineering to support the infrastructure around the AURA atmospheric simulation chamber. Candidates should contact Merete Bilde: University currently has an open tenure track position in Atmospheric and Climate Chemistry.Several post doc and PhD positions will open soon. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact us in advance: - Aero...
11 November 2016
The International Long-Term Ecological Research network (ILTER) represents the global umbrella for the formal LTER-Europe Regional Group. ILTER has been formally accepted as a Participating Organisation of GEO, the global Group on Earth Observations, following an application by ILTER’s chair, Michael Mirtl. Barbara Ryan, Secretariat Director of GEO was so impressed by ILTER’s global network of sites and their documentation in DEIMS that she encouraged ILTER to apply for GEO participant status. F...
18 September 2016
The eLTER H2020 project’s Core Team (comprising the coordinator and Work Package leaders and their deputies), met in Rome recently to review progress with the project.
eLTER H2020 has been running for 18 months. Excellent progress has been made in many areas of the project, which is generally running to the planned schedule. A range of deliverables has already been produced and more are at an advanced stage of completion.
The team also took the opportunity to review tasks and...
7 September 2016
Changes in air pollution and weather patterns have had marked effects on the UK’s terrestrial environment over the past 20 years. This is the main conclusion drawn from assessments of data from several of the UK’s longest running environmental research sites that comprise the UK Environmental Change Network (or ECN), presented in a new Special Issue of the journal Ecological Indicators.
While UK air temperatures have risen significantly since the onset of industrialisation (in line with the e...
13 August 2016
In her blog post, Jen Holzer describes her eLTER H2020 TA research to explore local perspectives in the Braila Islands, Romania. She's also been enjoying the region's wildlife! Jen Holzer, a PhD student at the Technion Socio-Ecological Research Group in Haifa, Israel visited the Braila Islands LTSER platform in Romania recently. Her research trip was supported by the eLTER H2020 project's Transnational Access (TA) scheme. Jen has written abo...
9 June 2016
Rothamsted Research, a partner in the UK's LTER network, has published a short report that highlights key changes in climate, pollution and biodiversity during the first 20 years of monitoring at its North Wyke ECN site. Scientists carrying out long-term monitoring at the UK Environmental Change Network's North Wyke site, operated by Rothamsted Research, have presented trends in the site's biodiversity and environment in a new publication. The period...
8 June 2016
A special issue concerning long-term ecosystem research has recently been published
The special issue of Ecological Indicators is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the German network, LTER-D.
In their introductory paper, the editors, Peter Haase, Mark Frenzel, Stefan Klotz, Martin Musche and Stefan Stoll, describe two main reasons which long-term ecosystem research (LTER) is essential in order to understand environmental change. Fi...
13 January 2013
A book edited by several members of LTER-Europe and ALTER-Net was published recently
Almost a decade of research and collaborative effort within ALTER-Net & LTER-Europe recently culminated in a 600-page Springer volume. Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research: Studies in Society-Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales (2013), with contributions from 70 scholars from varying disciplines. The authors in this volume make a ca...
10 January 2012
Results from a pan-European study of high altitude vegetation responses to climate change
Climate change is having a more profound effect on alpine vegetation than at first anticipated, according to a study carried out by an international group of researchers and published this week in the journal Nature Climate Change.
The research is the first ever pan-European study of changing mountain vegetation. It was led by scientists from the...
2 March 2011
On 2 March 2011 NSF hosted an LTER symposium in Arlington, VA, USA on "Understanding Climate Change Through Long-Term Ecological Research". The presentations are now available to view online
The meeting was the tenth annual NSF symposium to address topics in long-term ecological research. Scientists from across the NSF LTER network in the USA are using monitoring networks, experiments, and computer models to quantify and predict the ecol...