Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

SPF04 meeting and advertising SPF05 on-site event

30 May 2023

eLTER Sites and Platform Forum (SPF) is a precedent of a formal body in eLTER RI. It aims to bring together eLTER Sites and Platform coordinators (SPCs) and to make it easier for SPCs to develop and communicate joint activities and to contribute to the development of eLTER RI.

The SPF04 meeting took place online on 9 - 10 May 2023. About 75 representatives for eLTER Sites and Platforms gathered to hear about updates regarding Standard Observations, Site Labelling and Service Portfolio. Data and training needs of SPCs were addressed in breakout sessions led by SPF Working Group leads and new ideas were collected for Citizen Science initiatives and future eLTER Transnational Access programs. Vivid discussions and engagement during SPF04 highlights the importance of bringing the SPF community together and the interest of SPCs regarding eLTER activities. The word cloud below shows nicely how SPCs view the SPF.  

The next main activity of the SPF will be the first in-person and onsite meeting to take place in Lunz, Austria on 2 - 5 October 2023. During the SPF04, SPCs provided ideas and input to help build up the programme for the onsite meeting. The SPF onsite meeting will consist of various networking activities and sessions ranging from scientific topics, data management and funding opportunities to standard observations and other practical aspects of sites in developing the eLTER RI.
