Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

ENVRI Community International Winter School on DATA FAIRness

The theme of the school is “ENVRI-FAIR Resources: Access & Discoverability”, and it will cover a range of topics including semantic navigation, Jupyter environments for visualisation and data discovery, resource access tools and cloud computing.

The Winter School is organised over a two-week period, on average dedicating around 40 hours in total (including preparations). It will be structured around daily activities, with scheduled lectures and presentations in the mornings (9-11 am), followed by associated group and individual work time (11 am -12 pm). For practical reasons, the course can accommodate 30 participants in total. The selection of participants will be based on a mix of criteria, including motivation and use case descriptions.


More about this event

11 Jan, 2022 to
22 Jan, 2022
