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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


Call for sessions is CLOSED

We call for scientific sessions, which can span from well-anchored disciplinary research to systems research, syntheses and derived recommendations. Sessions could focus on multiple drivers of change (climate change, biodiversity loss, soil degradation, pollution and unsustainable resource use) and their compounded impacts; linkages between biophysical, ecological and socio-ecological concepts in place-based research; the spatial and temporal integration of environmental observations and modelling across disciplines; innovative technologies and algorithms for observing environmental change in-situ or remotely; evidencing the value of multivariable long-term place-based observation; methods for responsible and actionable research; and the development of environmental and socio-ecological sciences. Examples of, and opportunities for, collaboration with environmental research networks and other RIs focussing on earth observation are welcome.

We welcome suggestions for potential keynote speakers in the areas of the respective session proposals. Oral and poster presentations will be organised in parallel scientific sessions, and complemented by workshops (dedicated parallel call here).

Session suggestions can be made using this online form: The deadline for session proposals is 14 June 2024 at 0:00 CEST.

We will communicate outcomes to session proposers at the end of June 2024.

Call for workshops is CLOSED

What will make the eLTER Science Conference unique is the focus on not only high-level scientific presentations, but also stimulating workshops contributing to eLTER’s holistic, whole-system approach to knowledge generation.

This is a call for Workshops you would like to organise or participate in during the Conference. Among the topics for workshops could be, e.g., hands-on in eLTER legacy data management, challenges in long-term observations, multi-scale and multidisciplinary modelling, as well as opportunities to link disciplines in an inspiring way. Workshops provide unique opportunities to co-produce knowledge and create transformative science through exchanges with stakeholders, non-academic users as well as artists. Topics of interest for Site and Platform Coordinators and early-career researchers are encouraged.

Please provide an indication of the format and length of the workshop (2 to 4 hours, hybrid or physical), suitable convenors, a description of the content, and an estimate of participant numbers.

Workshop proposals can be made using this form: The deadline for workshop proposals is 14 June 2024 at 0:00 CET.

We will communicate outcomes to workshop proposers at the end of June 2024.