Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


2 August 2023
Since 2019 eLTER Switzerland has been listed in the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures. The new edition of the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2023 has confirmed that eLTER Switzerland is a key research infrastructure, which is under consideration for ERIC membership.The 2023 Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures provides an overview of planned construction and existing research infrastructures. It also includes information on Swiss participation in international research...
1 August 2023
The Environment Agency Austria (ЕАА) organised this year's joint Task Force Meeting for ICP Integrated Monitoring and ICP Waters of the Geneva Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). The event took place at the WasserCluster Lunz in Austria and gathered a total of 60 experts from 17 countries. During the event, EAA also presented the results of 30 years of ecosystem monitoring at the Zöbelboden site, which is part of LTER Austria and a candidate for the...
1 August 2023
The Centre for Energy and Environment at Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT), France is looking for an engineer in atmospheric science measurement techniques. The position is vacant within the research unit working on Atmospheric Science, and more precisely within the ACTRIS-EU topical centre for reactive trace gases in-situ measurements (CiGas). The core responsibilities of the engineer are to contribute to the operation of CiGas and the associated projects by:Organising the technical activities...
31 July 2023
The advanced course "Use of Technology in Field Biology '' took place between 6-9 June 2023 at Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo (HRA), one of the sites included in the Portuguese LTsER Montado platform. This course focused on the use of technological tools, which are increasingly employed in the collection of animal ecology field data, mainly due to the development of equipment that allows for automatic recording and storage of environmental information. The students received training on the use o...
31 July 2023
Berchtesgaden National Park (BNP) has been established in 1978 and protects 208 km² of rugged mountain landscapes in the Bavarian Alps. Research and monitoring in the park are conducted in close collaboration with the Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management Group of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The ecology of mountain ecosystems is a particular focus of its interdisciplinary research. BNP is searching for a fully funded, part-time 3-year PhD student (m/f/d) starting...
28 July 2023
To support biodiversity research, Biodiversa+ will launch a new transnational joint research call "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change - BiodivNBS" in September 2023. The call will provide a better understanding of the tipping points, trade-offs and underlying mechanisms that influence nature-based solutions and their successful implementation in terms of benefits for nature, human well-being and societal transformation.It will address three resear...
27 July 2023
This work is part of eLTER PLUS T9.3 and uses multiple eLTER sites to evaluate already available data from remote sensing and re-analyses. Specifically, eddy covariance data on evapotranspiration and gross primary production is used to validate the spatial data products. Relating the gross primary production to the evapotranspiration, the water-use efficiency of an ecosystem then indicates the water-use strategy of the vegetation and the variability of its functionality. We calcul...
26 July 2023
LTER-D is organising a session "Long-term and historical data: prerequisites to reveal changes in ecosystems in the light of global change" at the GFOE conference "The Future of Biodiversity – overcoming barriers of taxa, realms and scales" in Leipzig (12-16 September 2023)  with more than 1000 participants.The session is addressing the need to continuously track the status of ecosystems in order to watch the development and related impact on functions and processes in the long run. The imp...
25 July 2023
Representing the eLTER RI socio-ecological team, Daniel Orenstein and Merav Cohen from the Israel Institute of Technology traveled to Taiwan in April/May to learn about the Taiwanese experience in establishing LTSER platforms*.Taiwan’s three platforms (with a fourth in development) were established under the leadership of Prof. Teng-Chiu Lin and with the support of Taiwan’s National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The platforms span diverse socio-ecological systems, including an island su...
25 July 2023
Digital Twins (DTs) started in industry to monitor and understand systems and processes, but they have now also become a hot topic in ecology. In a new paper (De Koning et al. 2023), they describe how DTs can help ecology, as a kind of real-time model that can integrate data and domain knowledge to continuously adapt to the real world.The study aims to clarify potential misunderstandings, as they are not necessarily artificial intelligence, large interconnected databases, and a synonym...
7 September 2017
This paper considers the benefits linking two approaches - Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) and Ecosystem Integrity (EI) -  in the context of two global networks - ILTER and GEO BON.                 The lead author, Peter Haase, along with many of the paper's co-authors, is involved in European LTER and it's development. Abstract Global change effects on biodiversity and human well-being call for improved long-term environmental data as...
20 May 2017
The Brief 'Pursuing benefits for nature and society' presents some of the key research findings and practical experiences presented at the international ALTER-Net conference in May 2017 on ‘Nature and society: synergies, conflicts, trade-offs’. It formulates calls to policymakers that follow from these findings and experiences as well as from the panel debate that was part of the conference.Key messages in the Policy Brief are:Considering multiple values, including relational values, is essentia...
19 February 2015
The LTER-Europe conference (19-20 February 2015) starts today in Vienna, Austria, hosted by Environment Agency Austria.             The meeting is an opportunity for representatives from national Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) networks across Europe to meet and share LTER-related issues and new developments within the field. The strategic development of LTER-Europe will be discussed, as will Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER). We'll consider new and...
17 August 2013
LTER-Europe has teamed up with the LIFE+ project EnvEurope for its annual meeting in Rome this week. It should be an important event.                 The meeting is an opportunity for infrastructure managers and scientific users interested in LTER-Europe to meet and hear about the science that LTER-Europe helps deliver and to exchange ideas, strengthen interactions, identify development priorities and explore possible collaborative projects. In build...
14 July 2022
Around 400 scientists visited the ENVRI booth during the EGU 2022 event in Vienna, lasting from 23 to 27 May. This marks a significant increase from the last physical EGU event where the booth was also visited by 400 people. However, this year the on site participants were over 2 times fewer than in 2019.eLTER was presented by its head of communication Kaloyan Konstantinov who was offering information about the RI, our brand new brochure, and a number of ENVRI goodies like a coloring book, Rubik...
27 May 2022
90 researchers from 26 countries, part of the eLTER PPP and eLTER PLUS projects, gathered in Mallorca from 16 to 20 May 2022 for the first ever consortia physical meeting.“This meeting was much needed and delayed with at least a year”, said Prof. Jaana Back, project co-coordinator, “Unfortunately, due to the pandemic measures, it was impossible to happen earlier”, added Dr. Michael Mirtl, eLTER co-coordinator.Indeed, the 5-day meeting was packed with sessions and discussions on a variety of impo...
27 April 2022
Over 600 researchers from all around the world gathered for the three eLTER Sites and platforms forum workshops on time series analysis. Based on the questionnaire results on training needs from sites, the first two workshops, led by Ulrike Obertegger (FEM-CRI, Italy), focused on time series analysis. They were open to everyone from students to researchers, independent of involvement in eLTER projects.These workshops gave an introduction to the challenges of time series data and demonstrated dif...
26 April 2022
The third meeting of the eLTER Interim Council (IC) was held virtually on January 27, 2022. All 18 countries were represented in the meeting, which decided on the ongoing process for eLTER Service Portfolio development and on the strategic goals of eLTER Integrated Governance.The eLTER PPP project did initial screening of over 230 service workflows that the RI can provide to identified stakeholder groups. Next, the work proceeds with careful mapping and prioritisation and detailed specification...
22 April 2022
The eLTER discussion paper on key standard observation variables (SOV) suggested 179 variables of importance to eLTER science. Now the eLTER PLUS project task 4.2 has identified data sources providing official statistics relevant for eLTER and has tested a way to make them available to the eLTER user community.The team systematically screened almost 30 main EU and global data platforms for statistical data relevant to SOV and identified 116 datasets related to 42 SOV. Based on the pilot phase an...
20 April 2022
Under the aegis of the University of Salzburg, the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Environment Agency Austria, LTER-Austria and eLTER are organising a forum on “Potential and Challenges for GI Science in the context of Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socioecological Research (eLTER)” at the GI_Salzburg22 on July, 5.The forum is aiming to provide information on eLTER and to show examples of using data compiled by the network to address different research questions, highlighting the sp...
15 April 2022
With our whole system, place-based approach, the eLTER RI is well placed toaddress some of the most pressing environmental problems facing Europe today. However, a single Research Infrastructure (RI) cannot hope to generate all the knowledge needed to build a sustainable future. Instead that knowledge has to come from multiple sources, including a range of RIs. Co-location of multiple RIs at the same physical location offers a unique opportunity to create actionable knowledge synthesized from th...
12 April 2022
The SMEAR site (Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations) is situated in the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station of the University of Helsinki, in southern Finland. The site consists of a managed, 60-year old boreal Scots pine forest stand, two open oligotrophic fen sites and a humic lake with a forested catchment. In addition to eLTER, the site belongs to the ICOS and ACTRIS infrastructures with four labelled ICOS stations and an ACTRIS labelling process currently beginning. There are a...
6 April 2022
Around 30 representatives from the 26 eLTER countries make up the National comms team (NCT) as the next stage in the strategic communication and dissemination development of eLTER.The team has three main specific tasks: to further distribute the eLTER projects’ news across their communities, to focus more attention on the research and work being done by each national network, and to gather better knowledge of the specific communication difficulties and opportunities in each country.The NCT will...
4 April 2022
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-TECH-01-01Lead by: Dr Damien Lecarpentier, CSC FinlandBudget: ~€12MLifespan: June 2022 – May 2025The goal of BioDT is to push the current boundaries of predictive understanding of biodiversity dynamics by developing a Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) providing advanced modelling, simulation and prediction capabilities. By using already existing technologies and data from relevant research infrastructures in new ways, the BioDT will be able to accurately and quantitatively mod...
18 July 2022
The EGU General Assembly 2023 will be held on site at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV), Austria, with online components provided to enable virtual attendance, from 23 to 28 April 2023.You can take an active part in organizing the scientific programme of the conference, from now until 19 September 2022, by suggesting sessions with conveners and description in your preferred programme group. You have the possibility of proposing either physical oral/poster sessions with a hybrid component or hybrid...
8 July 2022
The Brazil-France Bilateral Thematic Project "BIOgenic emissions, chemistry and impacts in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo: BIOMASP+" (process 2020/07141-2) offers a post-doc fellowship to study local emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and atmospheric concentrations in urban forests, contributing to advances in the understanding of the local photochemical processes and their potential interactions and impacts in polluted regions.The researcher will be based in the Instit...
5 July 2022
NILU is a dynamic research institute providing expertise on a wide range of climate and environmental topics. NILU’s Atmosphere and climate (ATMOS) department studies atmospheric processes, pollutants, including greenhouse gases, as well as the dispersal of aerosols and radionuclides.The ATMOS department is seeking a research scientist to join their team. The successful candidate will use atmospheric transport modelling and inverse modelling to better understand the sources, sinks and transport...
20 June 2022
A 2-years program graduating a Master of Science in physics or chemistry of the atmosphere at the University of Lille, at the highest level aiming to give intendants a strong background in:·       Physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere from the molecular to the global scale,·       Analytical sciences applied to airborne environment,·       Recent research activities on air pollution and climate changes. The international Master  ...
18 April 2022
NILU’s research is of direct relevance to human health and the environment. A key activity area of expertise is in the science-policy interface where NILU provides support to the development and implementation of air quality and climate change policies in Europe.It is seeking for a senior scientist/scientist with interest and capabilities to strengthen its activities on science-policy interaction, to support international and national environmental policy processes and policy/legislation develop...
18 April 2022
TROPOS is currently looking for two Post Docs who are interested in investigating the impact of controlled seeding experiments on the evolution of mixed-phase clouds. Expertise is required either in the field of radar-lidar remote sensing techniques or in cloud-resolved modelling.PostDoc-1 will work on the characterization of the transition of the seeded supercooled liquid stratiform clouds into mixed-phase clouds using synergistic, multi-wavelength and polarimetric ground-based remote sensing w...
9 March 2022
ACTRIS invites researchers to register and submit their scientific contributions to the 1st ACTRIS Science Conference, due to take place virtually on May 11th-13th, 2022. Important dates:Abstract submission deadline: 25 March 2022 – no late submission will be considered.Registration deadline: 2 May 2022Poster submission deadline: 4 May 2022The conference will be held in conjunction with the ACTRIS course on atmospheric observations and will be organised jointly by the Institute for Atm...
21 February 2022
Uppsala University offers two post-doctoral opportunities. The deadline for both is March 1st. The first one is:Postdoctoral position in modelling of carbon burial in lake sediments.Lake sediments constitute a carbon sink that has a cooling effect on climate. Current estimates of the global-scale magnitude of the lake carbon sink are however very uncertain as they build on extrapolation from few, geographically biased measurements. This project aims at building a process-based model of organic c...
21 February 2022
The University of Oulu is looking for a Research Engineer to join its to join Oulanka research station. The research engineer would contribute mainly to facilitating field research activities at Oulanka with some additional related field work in Greenland. There would be a strong focus on maintenance, installation, calibration of ICOS type eddy-covariance gas exchange equipment, energy balance measurement instruments, the accompanying sensors, loggers, and other equipment.Apply online latest on...
17 February 2022
The EBAS Team at NILU seeks two dedicated team players with a solid background in information technology to help build solutions that facilitate free and open access to research data for users worldwide.NILU is hosting one of the world's largest databases related to atmospheric composition data (air pollution, climate forcers etc.) to serve various international research and monitoring programs ( It consists of 13 people, both scientists and developers, managing atmospheric obs...