Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


27 November 2023
At the beginning of November 2023, eLTER announced its 4th call for funded Transnational Access (TA) and Remote Access (RA) for scientists working in the areas of biodiversity, biogeochemistry, hydrology or socio-ecological research.The eLTER PLUS project opens up the eLTER Sites and Platforms for small and medium size research projects from various disciplines. Through the Access Scheme you can visit one or several of 43 long-term research sites in 19 European Countries (Transnational Acce...
20 November 2023
University of Basel is offering 2 positions for PhD students and 1 for a postdoc. They are as follows:PhD fellowship in Plant DiversityApplicants should have a Master degree in Plant Systematics or Ecology and expertise in identifying plant species in the field. Furthermore, you should be eager to work in the field, do experiments, and to become proficient in statistical analysis.PhD fellowship in Plant Evolutionary Ecology/Selection acting in NatureThe fellowship is for applicants who have a Ma...
14 November 2023
An article on ”Integrating carbon sequestration and biodiversity impacts in forested ecosystems” was published in the Ambio journal Special Issue: Carbon sequestration and biodiversity impacts in forested ecosystems, on 16 October 2023. This issue contains several papers where LTER data has been used in spatial modelling, remote sensing, developments of research infrastructures, and prioritization of important areas for biodiversity and carbon values. The special issue also contains papers on ec...
8 November 2023
The sixth eLTER PPP Interim Council meeting was held from 24 - 26 October 2023 in Berlin, Germany with the charismatic chairing of Kevin Bishop (SLU, Sweden). This hybrid event brought together around 50 participants – 28 attended in person in Berlin and 20 joined online. Among the attendees were the national Interim Council delegates from 17 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switz...
7 November 2023
The General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) will be held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria and online, from 14–19 April 2024. We will organise the following session:BG8.14: Integrated solutions for landscape management of GHG balance and biodiversity in a changing environmentConvener: Syed Ashraful Alam, Katri Rankinen, Thomas Dirnböck, Harry Vereecken, Olga VinduškováThe session is co-sponsored by eLTER.The abstract submission deadline is Wedn...
7 November 2023
The Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences offers a PhD position on how wetland restoration effects the formation and mobilisation of methylmercury in forest surface waters. The PhD student will use both geochemical and microbiological methods to assess the effect of wetland restoration on the mercury cycling and will be part of a newly started research program involving a collaborative interdisciplinary research team.Read more about the...
6 November 2023
ACTRIS Science Conference 2024 is scheduled from the 13th to the 16th of May 2024 in the beautiful city of Rennes, France. The conference welcomes contributions that span the entire spectrum of ACTRIS scientific activities. This will be the first physical ACTRIS Science Conference, providing a unique opportunity for scientists to gather in person.The abstract submission for the ACTRIS Science Conference 2024 is officially underway and will be running by 7 December 2023! To submit your abstr...
6 November 2023
The Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, the Institute of Energy and the Environment, and the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute of The Pennsylvania State University invite applications for a tenure-track faculty position in climate science with emphasis on solutions and societal impacts at the rank of Assistant Professor.They seek an atmospheric or oceanic scientist whose research will advance climate science and who is motivated by the need to address the wide-ranging and...
3 November 2023
The Global Change Research Institute – CzechGlobe focuses on issues of environmental sciences, and in particular on the problem of global climate change (GCC), which by its nature and possible consequences extends beyond the basic thematic segments of atmosphere, ecosystem, and socio-economic system. GCC has become an ecological, sociological and technical problem of the present with a global impact, the solution of which requires profound expert knowledge.Currently, CzechGlobe has two open post...
2 November 2023
Two teams of visiting researchers received funding from the eLTER Transnational Access scheme to visit the UK during the Summer. They visited sites in the UK Environmental Change Network (UKECN).A group from the Dead Sea and Arava Science Center, Israel, led by Elli Groner, visited the Cairngorms site in Scotland to investigate the impact of a reduction of snow days on above and below ground arthropod activity in this sub-alpine, mountainous area. They collected specimens from the soil surface v...
12 July 2022
Dr Jan Dick is a social ecologist at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH), a member of the LTER-UK’s Environmental Change Network (ECN) team and an active contributor to eLTER. Jan gave a talk recently, during which she described UKCEH's interest in using passive acoustic monitoring techniques. She was speaking at the UK Acoustic Network's symposium in Manchester (15-16 June 2022).Jan presented work by eLTER that aims to define a set of standard observations and associated methods,...
10 July 2022
The first BioDT webinar presents the project's objectives and goals, and its interaction with the LUMI Supercomputer, fundamental for building its modelling and simulation capabilities. The discussion will pave the way for the four BioDT use case groups and how their development can help scientists in predicting future trends in the biodiversity field. The event gives also the opportunity to meet the people behind the project and to interact with them during a poll session and a panel...
10 July 2022
A seminar on acacia trees and water in the southern Arava was held on 31.3.2022, at the Eilot Branch of the Dead Sea and Arava Science Center (DSASC). The seminar was part of an environmental educational project "Water in the Desert", with the support of KKL, Eilot Regional Council and the DSASC.The seminar was attended by about 50 participants, including KKL representatives, scientists, various stakeholders and local audience. During the seminar, we enjoyed fascinating lectures about acacias gi...
7 July 2022
On 15 May, a team from the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology jointly hosted an event (with Dundee University) in Kincraig as part of the Cairngorms Nature Big Weekend. The event aimed to show people some of the scientific research that takes place in the Cairngorms National Park. Aimed at all age groups, it was an opportunity for people to contribute their own ideas about the research needed in the park.Environmental Change Network monitoring at the Cairngorms ECN site was among the activiti...
23 June 2022
CNRS has opened a tenure track position on the observation and analysis of the stratosphere variability. This Junior Professorship aims at supporting and developing actions of long term observation of the atmospheric composition resolved in altitude (profiles) by means of active remote sensing (LIDAR).Labelled through the NDACC National Observation Service and structured within the ACTRIS research infrastructure in France and the ACTRIS ERIC in Europe, LIDAR observations are one of the most...
17 June 2022
Atmospheric Ammonia Pollution Measurement Scientist£41,040Full timeBased at UKCEH EdinburghThe closing date for applications is Tuesday 28th June 2022.Interviews will be held shortly after this.Research scientist with experience of passive and active sampling of atmospheric ammonia pollution is required to lead projects and develop research for high quality measurements of this pollutant and others in agricutural, urban and rural locations. Integration of ammonia pollution research with ecosyste...
25 May 2022
Last autumn, a project started on "Monitoring of the conservation status of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, with particular reference to the presence of marine phanerogams and non-indigenous species". It was funded by the Apulia Region within the framework of POR-Puglia 2014-2020, aiming to select monitoring actions on Apulian species and habitat of the Natura 2000 network.During the next two years, up to December 2023, mapping of marine phanerogams (i.e. Cymodocea nodosa and Ruppia cirrhosa) will b...
23 May 2022
How can nature conservation be combined with the Bedouin shepherds' traditions? To answer this question, we've collected a diverse group of experts from academia and civil society to consider dimensions ranging from ecological impact of grazing to the meaning of 'natural'.Through discussions with Bedouin shepherds, Nature and Parks Authority (NPA) representatives, and legal experts, we aim to find collaborative, equitable solutions to this seemingly intractable socio-ecological challenge.&n...
18 May 2022
At the end of the first mandate of the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano, published the fourth series of the work entitled "The environmental system of the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano. Research on the complexity of a Mediterranean coastal forest ecosystem", issued in three volumes within the "Scritti e Documenti" series by the National Academy of Sciences known as the XL.With over a thousand pages, the series collects sixty-...
10 May 2022
A new project funded by Portuguese national funds (FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) started in March 2021 and will run until 2024 with the support of LTSER Montado platform.Project RENEWAL (PTDC/ASP-SIL/7743/2020) is aimed at promoting the resilience of agroforestry systems in drylands to a more arid future, ensuring ecosystem functions and services. It addresses climate change effects on oak woodlands (montados), semi-natural agroforestry systems of high ecological and socio-econom...
12 May 2023
A poster presented during a dedicated session at the eLTER consortium meeting in Frankfurt, Germany (17 to 21 April) highlighted the collaboration between researchers contributing from biodiversity and socio-ecological data provided by eLTER RI sites and long-term socio-ecological research platforms.It presented the BioDT project which has eight use cases, one of which concerns creating a digital twin* linking cultural ecosystem services of recreational potential and biodiversity and is ini...
10 May 2023
On March 16, 2023, Bruna Paolinelli Reis, a researcher at the cE3c - Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes and CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute, presented the results of a questionnaire on ecosystem restoration directed to eLTER restoration experts at the Encontro Scientia in Portugal. The Econtro Scientia is a weekly meeting organized by cE3c and provides an excellent opportunity for researchers to share their work and insights on ecology, evolution and envi...
9 May 2023
Between 17 – 21 April 2023, the second physical meeting of eLTER took place in Frankfurt, Germany with more than 80 participants. During the meeting, eLTER PPP and eLTER PLUS leaders had the chance to share updates about the projects’ progress and the respective research activities, exchange valuable insights and plan future steps. Participants also engaged in group work activities that allowed them to brainstorm and collect input about the eLTER mentoring program, opportunities for joint work,...
8 May 2023
Israel was the first country to be visited by the eLTER Grand Campaign team for photo and video documentation of the research being done there, as well as the flora, fauna and landscape. As much as the team would like to present its journey as an adventure, it survived the harsh environment of the Israeli desert in the comfort of air-conditioned transport and accommodation. So don't let them tell you otherwise!Nevertheless, it was a real challenge to capture the essence of an ecosystem that...
5 May 2023
On 17-18 January the eLTER coordination, National Coordinators and site managers from Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland and the UK gathered in Brussels to discuss current developments in their national networks.The meeting proved to be a great opportunity to identify common challenges and exchange experiences with pushing forward national processes towards establishing eLTER. Moreover, the participants were thoroughly updated on the current status of eLTER from a European perspective.“It wa...
20 April 2023
The eLTER tools workshop was held in Lyon, France in mid-February 2023, with about 20 participants from 10 countries. The workshop aimed to introduce the latest tools and techniques for working with environmental data from eLTER stations.Topics covered included the collaborative data management platform, DataLabs, which provides a secure space for researchers to collaborate and store code and data. Participants were also introduced to Python tools to extract information from DEIMS-SDR, an essent...
17 April 2023
eLTER PPP WP4 and WP6, and eLTER PLUS WP3* jointly organised a ‘Methods-Costs Workshop’ at the CNR Headquarters in Rome, Italy from 10-12 January 2023.The aim was to collect all available information on the elements that affect the costings of the eLTER Standard Observations (SOs) in different habitats and different ‘spheres’ (atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and socio-econosphere). This information is crucial for building the eLTER National RI, i.e., the eLTER Sites and eLTSER Pla...
14 April 2023
We are excited to announce the launch of the eLTER Instagram account: europeanlter!To ensure that the eLTER community reaches out to as wide an audience as possible, we launched the eLTER Instagram account. As of January 2023, the majority of Instagram users (around 77%) are between the age of 18 - 44. eLTER puts a special focus on reaching early career researchers, one of the main target audiences of the project. Apparently, Instagram is the place to be.Being an entirely visual platform, Instag...
13 April 2023
After months of preparation, eLTER launched its Grand Campaign (GC) aimed at filling a critical gap in the photo/video archive of the project and to significantly strengthen communication and dissemination activities. The RI's central communication team will visit selected sites and platforms in over 20 partner countries to take photos and videos with drone and camera, as well as to interview researchers and the national LTER teams.The Grand Campaign will provide five core outcomes (and a f...
13 February 2023
Ninety researchers from 26 countries, part of the eLTER PPP and eLTER PLUS projects, gathered in Mallorca from 16 to 20 May 2022 for the first ever consortia physical meeting. This was a great opportunity to capture the spirit of the projects, so a professional team was hired to shoot 23 videos which we present to you now. They are grouped into three categories: - eLTER Stakeholders Information: The videos here aim to provide comprehensive and tailored information to the four main Stakehold...
11 May 2023
You are cordially invited to submit an abstract for your planned contribution to the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland conference (12 - 16 September 2023) in the form of a poster or an oral presentation.The deadline for abstract submission is 15 May 2023 at the latest.Everybody is entitled to submit 1 oral and 1 poster contribution. To submit an abstract of your contribution, please follow the instructions on the online submissi...
11 May 2023
The 5th European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change, jointly held by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the European Network of Heads of Nature Conservation Agencies (ENCA) will take place from 26 - 28 September 2023 in Bonn, Germany, in co-operation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) / German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and adelphi. The organisers of the conference invite the submission of abstrac...
9 May 2023
The Laboratoire de l’Atmosphère et des Cyclones (LACy) at the Université de la Réunion, France is looking for:A PhD candidate interested in exploring aerosol properties and transport through ground-based and satellite observations in the South West Indian Ocean (read more)A Project Manager to help with the management of the EU REALISTIC project (read more)Send your application to by 5 June 2023 at 08:00 UTC.
4 May 2023
The Meteorological Institute (MIM) of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), Germany, invites applications for the following three ACTRIS positions:Research Assistant on ground-based aerosol remote sensingResearch Assistant on ground-based cloud remote sensingResearch Assistant on quality assurance of lidar systemsThe three positions are offered from 01.06.2023 for a period of 3 years. The positions are full-time with salary and benefits based on the German TV-L E13 scale...
19 April 2023
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München is a leading research university in Europe. Since its founding in 1472 it has been committed to the highest international standards of excellence in research and teaching. The chair for Physical Geography and Land Use Systems (Prof. Julia Pongratz) at LMU’s Department of Geography investigates the interactions between natural ecosystems, land use and climate change. Our group develops and applies the latest generation of land and Earth system models an...
19 April 2023
The call “EURIZON FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME: Remote Research Grants for Ukrainian Researchers” is officially open under the H2020 Eurizon Project.The 6/12 months grant will provide temporary support to vulnerable researchers in Ukraine and, if possible, initiate structured and long-term EU-UA scientific and technical collaborations and joint publications (funding is only for UA researchers).Deadline for applications: May 8th, 2023 at 12:00 (noon) CESTAll details and the application form are available...
13 April 2023
Established in September 2013, Wetlands International Europe is the single network organisation in Europe bringing together 10 NGOs whose shared mission is to inspire and mobilise society to safeguard and restore wetlands for people and nature. Our ambition for the period 2020-2030 is to upscale action to safeguard and restore wetlands, collaborating with multiple partners and mobilising a wide range of actors to transform whole landscapes and sectors. Our access to cutting-edge science, combine...
12 April 2023
The University of Bern is the third largest university in Switzerland. The position offers a world-class environment with an outstanding infrastructure.Carbonaceous particulate matter comprises a large fraction of the atmospheric aerosol and, therefore, badly affects our climate and human health. Measures that aim at improving air quality require that emission sources are apportioned and quantified individually. However, this endeavor has succeeded only for a small fraction of the carbonaceous p...
20 February 2023
The KIT Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-AAF) offers three jobs for expanding and strengthening the team responsible for designing and building the new atmospheric simulation chamber AIDAc2 and the service chamber AIDAs. Both activities are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research through the ACTRIS-D projects targeting the implementation of the KIT National Facilities and the Topical Center f...
19 February 2023
The Department of Environmental Science (ACES) at Stockholm University is one of the largest departments in the Faculty of Science. The department is divided into four units with more than 190 researchers, teachers, doctoral students and technical/administrative staff from over 30 countries. The department has a strong focus on research, spanning from couplings between climate change and biogeochemical cycles (atmosphere-land-ocean) to the sources, transport and effects of environmental contamin...