Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


9 March 2012
The EU's INTERACT research infrastructure project, which includes some ILTER research sites, has recently been highlighted by the EU as a success story.                 The EU is funding a number of infrastructure projects aiming to build environmental research and monitoring capacity. INTERACT is one such project. Its main objective is to build capacity for identifying, understanding, predicting and responding to diverse environmental changes throughou...
10 January 2012
Results from a pan-European study of high altitude vegetation responses to climate change                 Climate change is having a more profound effect on alpine vegetation than at first anticipated, according to a study carried out by an international group of researchers and published this week in the journal Nature Climate Change. The research is the first ever pan-European study of changing mountain vegetation. It was led by scientists from the...
14 June 2011
News of the LTSER workshop that took place in Helsinki in June, co-organised by LTER-Europe and ALTER-Net                 The workshop 'Long term socio-ecological research: What do we know from science and practice?' was co-organised by LTER-Europe and ALTER-Net. It took place in Helsinki, Finland from 14-17 June 2011. The workshop was attended by 33 people; 14 European LTER networks were represented. The programme featured nine keynote presentations, e...
2 March 2011
On 2 March 2011 NSF hosted an LTER symposium in Arlington, VA, USA on "Understanding Climate Change Through Long-Term Ecological Research". The presentations are now available to view online                 The meeting was the tenth annual NSF symposium to address topics in long-term ecological research. Scientists from across the NSF LTER network in the USA are using monitoring networks, experiments, and computer models to quantify and predict the ecol...
8 September 2010
Recently published research was stimulated originally by the detection of unexpected changes in soil pH in data from the Environmental Change Network, the UK's LTER network                 A paper published online this week by Environmental Science and Technology and led by Chris Evans at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, was stimulated originally by the detection of unexpected changes in soil pH in Moor House Environmental Change Network (ECN) da...
6 May 2010
A new book, Conservation Monitoring in Freshwater Habitats, features chapters by authors involved in several LTER-Europe member networks, including Ricardo Díaz-Delgado and colleagues from the Spanish LTER network and Richard Chadd of the UK's Environmental Change Network. The book focuses on the need to develop clear, site-specific, conservation management goals; something rarely considered in previous publications on freshwater monitoring.                ...
6 November 2009
The first major review of trends in terrestrial ecology at twelve key sites within the UK Environmental Change Network between 1993 and 2007 is published today in the journal Biological Conservation. Soils, vegetation and animal communities all show indications of responses to environmental change over the study period.                 ECN is a member network of LTER-Europe. The research was carried out by scientists from a number of ECN sponsoring orga...
1 December 2008
Delegates from around Europe have come together for the LTER-Europe conference, which is taking place in Palma de Mallorca from 1-5 December 2008. Around 60 people have convened for the opening day of the conference. There are representatives from: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Jordan, The Netherlands, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Some participants are representing...
6 August 2008
In August, LTER-Europe held a one-day meeting during the 2008 ILTER annual meeting in Slovakia. As a regional network of ILTER, the International Long-Term Ecological Research Network, LTER-Europe held a one-day meeting on 18 August. This took place on the first day of ILTER's annual meeting for member network coordinators. The meeting was well-attended, and progress was made to agree formal arrangements for the network. Many European LTER representatives also attended the subsequent intern...