Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


9 March 2022
The upcoming 2022 Alternet Conference on the topic of "Transformative Changes for Biodiversity and Health"   announced its call for abstracts. If you would like to apply, send the following information by email to authorsInstitutionAbstract(max 600 words)Session choice (choose from session themesbelow):Biodiversity and Ecological HealthBiodiversity and Human HealthTransforming Food Systems Lock-ins and levers to re-localize food syst...
28 February 2022
ILTER OSM Kunming, China, 12-15 September 2022, calls for abstracts. Deadline for abstract submission is 31 May 2022.Please note that you will have to register for the conference in addition to submitting this abstract. Registration will open soon on the conference website.The meeting will take place as a hybrid conference (both in-person and remote participation possible). The conference will likely run from 9-17 CST (China standard time, UTC + 8) each day.General Themes: A Sensitivity, me...
21 February 2022
Uppsala University offers two post-doctoral opportunities. The deadline for both is March 1st. The first one is:Postdoctoral position in modelling of carbon burial in lake sediments.Lake sediments constitute a carbon sink that has a cooling effect on climate. Current estimates of the global-scale magnitude of the lake carbon sink are however very uncertain as they build on extrapolation from few, geographically biased measurements. This project aims at building a process-based model of organic c...
21 February 2022
The University of Oulu is looking for a Research Engineer to join its to join Oulanka research station. The research engineer would contribute mainly to facilitating field research activities at Oulanka with some additional related field work in Greenland. There would be a strong focus on maintenance, installation, calibration of ICOS type eddy-covariance gas exchange equipment, energy balance measurement instruments, the accompanying sensors, loggers, and other equipment.Apply online latest on...
17 February 2022
The EBAS Team at NILU seeks two dedicated team players with a solid background in information technology to help build solutions that facilitate free and open access to research data for users worldwide.NILU is hosting one of the world's largest databases related to atmospheric composition data (air pollution, climate forcers etc.) to serve various international research and monitoring programs ( It consists of 13 people, both scientists and developers, managing atmospheric obs...
16 February 2022
The 11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022) will be held during September 4th-9th, 2022, both virtually and physically in Athens, Greece. The call for abstract is now open (deadline for submissions: March 4th, 2022). Authors can submit their abstract to one of the available topics or special session, which include aerosol technology, atmospheric aerosol studies, atmospheric measurements techniques, aerosol and health, basic aerosol processes. Find more here.
10 February 2022
FORECOMON 2022 - The 10th Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Conference will take place on 30 May - 1 June 2022 and will be followed by the 38th Task Force Meeting of ICP Forests, taking place on 1 - 3 June 2022. The Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) is the host of both events and is kindly making local arrangements. Both events will be organized as hybrid meetings to account for the possibility of restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The following keynote speakers will participate in the...
25 January 2022
Lund University is looking for a research engineer to work fulltime within ACTRIS Sweden, a national research infrastructure project recently approved by the Swedish Research Council. The research engineer will handle and service several instruments for long-term observations of atmospheric aerosols and reactive trace gases at the Lund University combined ICOS-ACTRIS station at Hyltemossa in southern Sweden.The research engineer will also maintain and further develop the additional equipment and...
24 January 2022
The Earth and Mission Science Division is a dynamic R&D team leading research and development activities, in partnership with European and international industry and academia, with the aim of advancing science, developing future space missions, novel applications, and helping to maximise the science impact of missions in implementation and future mission candidates.ESA is currently searching for Internal Research Fellowship Opportunity in the Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes.Learn...
23 January 2022
As part of the SOFOG-3D measurement campaign that took place in 2018, the Pierre Simon Laplace Institute (Paris) and the National Meteorological Research Center (Toulouse) wish to work together on a better understanding of processes and values reviews of certain variables that may or may not favor the dissipation of so-called adiabatic mists.The dissipation of continental fogs is an important phase because it often takes place during the day, therefore over a period of the day when human activit...