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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Slovakia approves Roadmap for Research Infrastructures

2 July 2021

On 7 April 2021, the Government of Slovakia approved the first Roadmap for Research Infrastructures (SK VI Roadmap 2020 - 2030). This is a key document for research infrastructures (RI), which not only monitors the past development and current state of research infrastructure in Slovakia, but also its connection to the economy, domains of smart specialization, international cooperation in the context of the ESFRI and Horizon Europe.                

On 7 April 2021, the Government of Slovakia approved the first Roadmap for Research Infrastructures (SK VI Roadmap 2020 - 2030). This is a key document for research infrastructures (RI), which not only monitors the past development and current state of research infrastructure in Slovakia, but also its connection to the economy, domains of smart specialization, international cooperation in the context of the ESFRI and Horizon Europe.

The Roadmap identifies ESFRI research infrastructures in which Slovakia participates - 13 ESFRI landmarks and 5 ESFRI projects - including eLTER ESFRI.

The adoption of the document at the government level gives a completely new perspective to future development of RIs in Slovakia, including LTER Slovakia. The government instructed the Minister of Education, in cooperation with other ministers, to prepare the first action plan for 2021-2025 and to submit it for approval in October 2021.

LTER Slovakia will actively participate in the preparation of this action plan. Two facts are important for the future of the LTER in Slovakia. The first is that the government resolution explicitly states that the Action Plan should include financial support for the development of RIs, which gives hope for the improvement of technical and personnel equipment of LTER Slovakia. The second is to impose an obligation to prepare an action plan for the years 2026-2030 as well, which gives these plans a longer-term perspective.

You can read more here.

Photo: Poloniny National Park LTSER - Slovakia