Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

A Postdoctoral research position at Simo Lab, Spain

3 August 2023

Simó Lab, Institut de Ciències del Mar, Barcelona, is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work on the analysis of marine volatiles in the ocean (VOCs). The position is funded with a project-associated contract for a 24-month period. Together with the applicant, they will pursue to extend this through EU or national calls. The facilities and projects of the research group offer opportunities from field to lab-based work, and from descriptive to process-oriented research. 

The position is meant to start in January 2024, but earlier incorporation can be considered.

Required qualifications of the candidate: 

  • A PhD in chemistry or similar, and ideally should have expertise in PTR-MS or similar mass spectrometry techniques (e.g., CIMS, ACSM, AMS)
  • Interest in oceanography, marine ecology and Earth system science will be extremely valuable but expertise is not mandatory, as the researcher will get training and support from the group.

Other abilities that will be valued are:

  • Conducting fieldwork
  • Multivariate statistics
  • Use of Igor PRO, R, Phyton, Matlab or similar
  • Fluent English and strong scientific writing skills (papers and proposals)
  • Multidisciplinary collaboration

Read more about the position here.
