Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

OGTAC‐CC call for ACTRIS related training activities on organic tracers and aerosol constituents within the framework of the ECAC‐CAIS CF

14 November 2022

The OrGanic Tracers and Aerosol Constituents ‐ Calibration Center (OGTAC‐CC), hosted and operated by TROPOS ACD as one TC unit of the ECAC‐CAIS consortium, is announcing the following activity for all operators of ACTRIS NFs (observational and exploratory platforms), and former EUROCHAMP2020 members as well as to all other interested parties as users:


Theory and practice ‐ determination of organic tracers and aerosol constituents from sampling to the final result demonstrated for the future ACTRIS platforms Melpitz (observational) and ACD‐C (exploratory) OGTAC‐CC offers a hands‐on training course at TROPOS ACD, Leipzig with the following elements:

Dedicated training on sample collection at the Aerosol Chamber ACD‐C and
recording online data needed for offline data interpretation
Dedicated training at state‐of‐the‐art analytical instrumentation
Lectures in atmospheric particle related chemical analysis
Filter extraction, analysis and quantification of target compounds (mainly

The course will be held for 5 days at TROPOS ACD in Leipzig and two different periods are available for choice. The number of participants is limited to 10.

Option 1: Monday, 20 th to Friday, 24th of March 2023
Option 2: Monday, 27 th to Friday, 31st 
of March 2023

The operators of future NFs planning to measure particulate organics from filters should consider the participation at the training course as a part of their QA/QC measures.

The training course is funded by the ACTRIS TC operational costs. However, participants have to cover their travel + accommodation costs.

Subscription to the training can be done via mail to: ogtac‐

Registration should take place before January 31st 2023.
