Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

New book on Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research

13 January 2013

A book edited by several members of LTER-Europe and ALTER-Net was published recently                

Almost a decade of research and collaborative effort within ALTER-Net & LTER-Europe recently culminated in a 600-page Springer volume. Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research: Studies in Society-Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales (2013), with contributions from 70 scholars from varying disciplines. The authors in this volume make a case for LTSER’s potential in providing insights, knowledge and experience necessary for a sustainability transition. This expertly edited selection of contributions from Europe and North America reviews the development of LTSER since its inception and assesses its current state, which has evolved to recognize the value of formulating solutions to the host of ecological threats we face. Through many case studies, this book gives the reader a greater sense of where we are and what still needs to be done to engage in and make meaning from long-term, place-based and cross-disciplinary engagements with socio-ecological systems.

Long Term Socio-Ecological Research: Studies in Society-Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales
Singh, S.J.; Haberl, H.; Chertow, M.; Mirtl, M.; Schmid, M. (Eds.)

Series: Human-Environment Interactions, Vol. 2, 2013, XXXVII, 588 p. 107 illus., 42 in color.
