Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Modern radar tower (BorealScat-2) is now operational at Svartberget (Sweden), and delivering data

20 July 2022

BorealScat-2 is the new radar tower experiment located at Svartberget Experimental Forest for studying temporal variations in forest radar measurements. The tower, previously used in the BorealScat experiment, has been relocated and upgraded.

The aim is to investigate forest moisture variations in P-/L-/C-/X-band tower-based radar observations and to develop methods for estimating forest evapotranspiration from space-borne radar observations. The antenna array at 50 m provides full 3D tomographic at P- and L-band by mechanically moving the array horizontally. In autumn 2022, 2D vertical C- & X-band will be installed.

Evapotranspiration plays a central role in the carbon, water and energy cycles and is closely related to drought-induced tree mortality. The boreal forest ecosystems are expected to be exposed to a rapidly changing climate and frequent drought stress. Radar observations are directly sensitive to the spatial distribution of water. By establishing a relationship between radar observations and variables contributing to evapotranspiration, space-borne radar is expected to contribute to high spatial and temporal resolution of evapotranspiration observations.

The location of the experimental forest within the Krycklan Catchment area, with its long-term measurements, and the measurement stations of the European research infrastructures ICOS and ACTRIS provides unique opportunities for cutting edge science.

Data from the radar tower (BorealScat-2)