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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

LTSER workshop: presentations now available from this successful event

14 June 2011

News of the LTSER workshop that took place in Helsinki in June, co-organised by LTER-Europe and ALTER-Net                

The workshop 'Long term socio-ecological research: What do we know from science and practice?' was co-organised by LTER-Europe and ALTER-Net. It took place in Helsinki, Finland from 14-17 June 2011. The workshop was attended by 33 people; 14 European LTER networks were represented. The programme featured nine keynote presentations, each followed by an invited critical commentaries. Afternoons were devoted to group work and delegates were also treated to two additional 'refreshment talks' each evening.During group work, delegates considered the (i) the benefits of socio-ecological research and (ii) research ideas.

Within the ALTER-Net and LTER-Europe networks, social scientists are still a minority. Dialogue between disciplines is needed when research questions are discussed, and this discussion is equally relevant at different levels, from research platform to national network and LTER-Europe. ALTER-Net's focus is on biodiversity. Socio-economic parameters are important factors affecting biodiversity, and deserve greater attention within ALTER-Net. LTSER platforms can provide relevant data and places for research.

It is hoped to organise further socio-ecological workshops, when hopefully more socio-economists and ecologists will be able to meet and exchange ideas. Future LTSER workshops should be built on the foregoing ones and recognized gaps in knowledge should be considered as a basis for following workshops.

You can read the main outcomes of the workshop and access speakers' presentations on the ALTER-Net website.

