Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

‘Little Data, Big Data, No Data? Data Management in the Era of Research Infrastructures’ workshop report

14 April 2018

In light of the eLTER Research Infrastructure (RI) being accepted on the ESFRI roadmap, the organisers of a recent workshop are keen to share their workshop report. Their workshop, which was called ‘Little Data, Big Data, No Data? Data Management in the Era of Research Infrastructures,’ was one of the initial steps in Finland towards being able to contribute data to the eLTER RI.

The data workshop was an outcome of the collaboration between the Academy of Finland funded MULTICS project (PI Helena Karasti) and the INAR RI Ecosystems consortium (PI Jaana Bäck). INAR RI includes the operators of Finnish LTER sites and LTSER platforms among other national ecosystems research partners. 

The workshop was organized to provide members and other stakeholders of the INAR RI Ecosystems consortium with an introduction to data management in the ecological and related sciences. The notion of local data management was used as a starting point to discuss data management activities taking place at or close to the origins of data, and to envision how data was coordinated within and across boundaries of a variety of related contexts, including LTER-Europe and eLTER RI.

Further information

  • Workshop report suggested citation: Karasti, H., A. Botero, K.S. Baker, and E. Parmiggiani (2018) Little Data, Big Data, No Data? Data Management in the Era of Research Infrastructures. Workshop Report, April 2018, Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, Finland. University of Oulu, Finland. ISSN 0786-8421. ISBN 978-952-62- 2006-2 | Download... (also available here)