Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Job: Observation and analysis of the stratosphere variability

23 June 2022

CNRS has opened a tenure track position on the observation and analysis of the stratosphere variability. This Junior Professorship aims at supporting and developing actions of long term observation of the atmospheric composition resolved in altitude (profiles) by means of active remote sensing (LIDAR).

Labelled through the NDACC National Observation Service and structured within the ACTRIS research infrastructure in France and the ACTRIS ERIC in Europe, LIDAR observations are one of the most advanced contributions to atmospheric composition observation. T

he recruited researcher-observer will be fully involved in instrumental issues as well as in data exploitation, aiming at embedding their research in the national and European structuring of the ACTRIS RI.

Deadline for submitting the application : 31 August.

Learn more.
