Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Job: The Norwegian Institute for Air Research

14 November 2022

The Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) is offering a permanent position for project leader at NILU's data centre.

The position is permanent and linked to NILUs role as an international data center for atmospheric observations. NILU have strong ambitions to deliver open access to data and tailored services to support our users.

You will contribute to further strengthen the Department for Atmospheric and Climate Research (ATMOS) project portfolio related to observation-based research on atmospheric composition.

You will engage in ongoing projects as well as target new projects from competitive funding opportunities (i.e. the Norwegian research council, EU’s Horizon Europe, the European Space Agency, and from Norwegian and European public sector agencies).

Deadline: 1.12.2022

Learn more here.
