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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Gaia Consulting kicks off work on eLTER Business Plan and SEIA

6 March 2024

An operational RI requires a sustainable business plan and an in-depth understanding of its impact on different stakeholder groups. For this purpose, 2023 eLTER launched a tender for Business Plan and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) Framework development services in summer. The procurement was successfully concluded in December 2023 and, after a competitive selection process, the contract was awarded to the Finland-based company Gaia Consulting. In close collaboration and regular consultation with the eLTER team, Gaia will support eLTER in taking next steps towards a sustainable and functional RI. 

The work has already started in early January, and in the process of business-plan development, Gaia will develop the eLTER business model, including the user engagement strategy and value proposition. In addition, building on existing eLTER materials, Gaia will collect information and provide advice and recommendations for future development of the RI’s key aspects - tailoring services to user needs, organisation and governance, financial and funding framework, performance management, communication and branding. 

As part of their work on the SEIA, Gaia will develop tools for collecting indicators and assess their efficiency, implement a survey and conduct in-depth interviews with selected eLTER stakeholders and analyse the results. A workshop on refining the SEIA framework for the eLTER RI staff, and the final report, are foreseen in early fall of 2024. 

About Gaia Consulting

Established in 1993, Gaia Consulting has strong background in impact assessments and business plan development, understanding of research infrastructures as well as experience in working with transnational partnerships, scientific and policy-oriented collaborations, making them an excellent partner for eLTER.

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