Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Environmental Research Infrastructures interact during ENVRI Week

14 November 2016

Several representatives of the eLTER Research Infrastructure that is being developed via the eLTER ESFRI initiative, attended the 3rd ENVRI week in Prague. ENVRI week, which takes place twice a year in November and May, is dedicated to Environmental Research Infrastructures, and is organised by the ENVRIplus project.

As well as sessions relating to ENVRIPlus work themes, there were additional sessions such as a joint session between environmental RIs and the Copernicus programme that is enhancing Europe’s satellite earth observation capacity.

The event was very useful in terms of learning about other environmental RIs and the ENVRIplus project, sharing ideas and information and promoting the eLTER RI. A key ambition of eLTER RI is to work closely with other relevant RIs, such as ICOSACTRISAnaEE and INTERACT.

During the week, Michael Mirtl, chair of LTER-Europe and Coordinator for the eLTER H2020 project, gave a short presentation about eLTER RI, whilst Herbert Haubold, eLTER H2020 project manager, explained how European and global LTER networks can support Copernicus, and benefit from closer cooperation with the remote sensing community.

The European LTER community is actively developing links with a range of relevant European initiatives. For example, the eLTER H2020 project brings together members of the LTER-Europe network of field sites with the European Critical Zone research community. Meanwhile, the eLTER ESFRI initiative is working on an efficient division of tasks with other European environmental ESFRI research infrastructures, and meetings such as ENVRI week help to facilitate this.

Further information

[This news story first appeared in our 4th e-newsletter]

Photo from the event