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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER Sites and Platforms Forum 06

27 May 2024

The sixth eLTER SPF meeting took place on 7-8 May 2024. Over 100 persons from 26 countries gathered online to network, get updated on the latest developments in eLTER, ask questions and discuss challenges and ways forward as eLTER develops. The topics ranged from Standard Observations protocols to Integrated Governance and from Legacy Data mobilisation to new LTSER Platform requirements without forgetting presentations from the diverse eLTER Sites and eLTSER Platforms. 

In the beginning of the meeting we asked what expectations the group had. The themes highlighted touched upon the need for clarification and updates on eLTER developments. Insights from the central eLTER processes provided light on several issues and the feedback from the group at the end of the meeting showed that the participants had gained clarity, but also increased the items on their todo list. The SPF meeting also gave an opportunity to gather valuable feedback from participants, which will be key in supporting the further eLTER work.

In the end of the meeting we asked what excites participants in SPF and this created the following word cloud.

Thanks to all those that participated, the atmosphere of the meeting was engaging and motivating. Based on the feedback from the SPF06, future SPF events will be planned this Fall, including SPF webinars focused on WAILS and data developments, as well as in connection to the Science Conference in June 2025 in Finland. 

Last but not least, we are excited to welcome new members to the SPF leadership team as Theresa Lumpi (SLU, Sweden) and Paulina Rajewicz (UH, Finland) will take on SPF coordination tasks the coming year.  
