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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER Science Conference: the place to be!

11 March 2024

Mark your calendars: A major eLTER event will take place in June 2025! Tampere in Finland will host the first eLTER Science Conference on 23-27 June 2025; a full week of keynote lectures, oral and poster sessions, exhibitions, workshops and field trips to exchange and engage in scientific dialogue about the Whole Systems Approach that is so unique to eLTER RI. The conference addresses researchers and peers from Europe and globally.

In the Anthropocene, research is challenged to develop a more holistic approach to understanding the compounded impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, soil degradation, pollution and unsustainable resource use. Addressing whole systems at different spatial and temporal scales is key to answering scientific and societal questions.

The eLTER Science Conference will be a great opportunity for the different communities and disciplines that study the linkages between the different "spheres" (geo-, hydro-, bio-, atmosphere- and sociosphere) of the habitable skin of the Earth. The high-level scientific and social programme will encourage diversity of approaches, exchange between generations of scientists and inclusivity in the spirit of promoting inter- and transdisciplinarity. In the beautiful lake region of Tampere, the field visits will allow you to discover some of the best examples of eLTER instrumented sites. The call for abstracts and registration will open in October 2024. 

Don't miss this milestone!

Flyer for the conference