Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER meets the ICOS and ACTRIS RIs for a crucial exchange of experience

7 September 2022

On 24th and 25th August an eLTER delegation, led by Michael Mirtl (eLTER PPP coordinator) and Jaana Back (eLTER PLUS coordinator), visited the head offices of their “sister” research infrastructures of ICOS and ACTRIS for an important exchange of experience and support.

ICOS was represented by Werner Kutsch (Director General), Katri Ahlgren (Head of Communications), Elena Saltikoff (Head of Operations) and other key members. The ACTRIS group was headed by Eija Juurola and Paolo Laj, both Interim Leaders.

As eLTER is aspiring to become an RI and ERIC in the next few years, the meeting was crucial for discussing a variety of issues that are at hand:

- difficulties likely to be faced when the RI becomes operational;
- engaging and supporting early career staff;
- timeline and key concerns from an RI perspective on becoming an ERIC;
- physical and remote access to sites/platforms;
- software tools used by the head offices to facilitate better work;
- the service Portfolio development process.

The discussion with ACTRIS focused on the service portfolio and data access issues; operating in accordance with the FAIR principle (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability); RI costs and funding options; legal entity establishment and internal structuring.

Special attention was paid to the communication efforts and feedback by ICOS: social media reach, staffing, innovative communication ideas, internal cooperation, contacts with news media and many more.

In the end, an informal agreement was reached by all parties for further exchange of experience in the future and cooperation in joint endeavors.

Member of the eLTER delegation in front of the ICOS office building.