Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER General Executive Team (GET) meets in Illmitz, Austria to chart course forward

1 May 2024

From 9-12 April 2024, the eLTER General Executive Team (GET) gathered at the LTER Biologische Station Neusiedler See, close to Lake Neusiedl in Illmitz, Austria. This meeting served as a pivotal opportunity for the GET members to convene in person and meet the new members who have joined the team in the last months.

Throughout the retreat, GET members engaged in active discussions, exploring challenges and opportunities on the horizon. A highlight of the gathering was a card game designed to identify key challenges and brainstorm solutions. Comparing these challenges with those identified in the previous year's meeting in Hyytiälä provided valuable insights into progress made and areas for further development.

Reflecting on past challenges, the GET deliberated on decisions and next steps, evaluating achievements and outstanding goals. Additionally, discussions centred on introducing a prioritisation approach across all eLTER-related processes, aiming to streamline efforts towards establishing eLTER RI.

As the central enabler of the eLTER ESFRI process, the GET discussed its future roles in relation to fostering collaboration across communities, project consortia, Sites and Platforms, and countries. Key measures to mitigate risks, improve structures, and enhance communication were addressed during wrap-up sessions, ensuring a robust framework for future initiatives.

Amidst the strategic discussions, GET members also took time to explore the rich biodiversity of the Lake Neusiedl - Seewinkel National Park via a guided bike tour to immerse themselves in birdwatching and plant species exploration.
