Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER General Executive Team convenes at Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station

12 July 2023

From 18 – 22 June 2023, the eLTER General Executive Team (GET) met at the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Finland, a respected multidisciplinary research facility known for its long-term ecological research initiatives. The biodiverse environments provided an ideal setting for focused reflections and discussions, interactive social activities and hikes to significant and picturesque locations.

During the meeting, GET members had the opportunity to identify and discuss the challenges lying ahead for both eLTER PPP and eLTER PLUS projects and to explore potential solutions. These challenges covered various aspects, including division of responsibilities, staffing issues and recruitment of new members, future projects, communication developments, potential bottlenecks, critical risks and conflicts, etc. Through collaborative brainstorming and sharing of expertise, the team sought to identify approaches and strategies to address the challenges. 

The team also spent some time visiting and exploring the Hyytiälä SMEAR II LTER site and the Siikaneva wetland station. The field hikes provided a unique opportunity to become immersed in the local ecosystems and to gain a first-hand understanding of the advanced measuring installations and data collection efforts in place. The team saw the complex measuring instruments and techniques used to collect real-time data on air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and other essential parameters.

In addition to the discussions and hikes, the eLTER GET also indulged in a number of enjoyable social activities designed to promote team building and provide opportunities for relaxation and local cultural enrichment. Highlights included a refreshing sauna experience, an entertaining film night, and an engaging art exhibition showcasing local artwork and sparking conversations about the intersection of art and environmental research.
