Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER engages with the MAMBO project to explore insect-monitoring tools

16 September 2024

In mid-July 2024, eLTER's partner Mark Frenzel from UFZ, Germany participated in a 30-minute interview with representatives from the MAMBO project. The discussion focused on the EU Pollinator Initiative and the development of MAMBO’s six innovative monitoring tools, designed to align with existing infrastructures and address key priorities of the initiative.

The revised Pollinators Initiative sets objectives for 2030 and related actions under three priorities:

  • Improving knowledge of pollinator decline, its causes, and consequences

  • Improving pollinator conservation and tackling the causes of their decline

  • Mobilising society and promoting strategic planning and cooperation at all levels

The six MAMBO tools cover the following:

  1. Image recognition available for smartphone or desktop devices (species of EU Habitats and Bird directive, EU pollinator initiative, EU Red lists, EU Invasive Alien Species)
  2. Sound recognition of animals available for smartphone or desktop devices (European birds, bats, marine mammals, pollinating insects)
  3. Insect camera for monitoring nocturnal insects
  4. Insect camera for monitoring pollinators
  5. Habitat extent mapping tools
  6. Habitat condition metric derivation from airborne LiDAR and drone data

While pollinators are not a primary focus of eLTER, the network remains interested in insect-monitoring tools and related drivers. The interview provided valuable insights for MAMBO, helping to identify potential areas for collaboration and the specific needs of research infrastructures. Both teams plan to stay connected to explore future synergies in monitoring approaches.
