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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER in EGU: GERI session

31 July 2021

The Global Ecosystem Research Infrastructure (GERI) arranged a session in the vEGU2021. The session consisted of 10 presentations covering topics like water resources and oceans, SDG’s addressed by RIs, climate models informing policy decisions and the fundamental concept of the emerging GERI, which was presented by the eLTER PLUS coordinator, Professor Jaana Bäck.

GERI is a consortium of six distributed RIs (eLTER and ICOS in Europe, TERN in Australia, NEON in US, CERN in China and SAEON/EFTEON in South Africa), initiated in 2016. The motivation for global collaboration comes from the recognized scientific and societal priorities, which are outlined in the vision statement of GERI: we need site-based research infrastructures dedicated to better understand the function and change of indicator/benchmark ecosystems across global biomes (terrestrial, freshwater, coastal), to support excellent science, and to inform political and managerial decision-making addressing grand societal challenges.

The GERI partners have signed a Memorandum of Understanding and collaborate to implement the integration of in situ observations to support the ecosystem research at global scale.

Jaana Back (University of Helsinki)
