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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Bringing eLTER to target communities

26 July 2023

LTER-D is organising a session "Long-term and historical data: prerequisites to reveal changes in ecosystems in the light of global change" at the GFOE conference "The Future of Biodiversity – overcoming barriers of taxa, realms and scales" in Leipzig (12-16 September 2023)  with more than 1000 participants.

The session is addressing the need to continuously track the status of ecosystems in order to watch the development and related impact on functions and processes in the long run. The importance is self-evident given trends such as global human population growth and the increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. We refer to eLTER as the most important European network dedicated to creating, combining and analysing long-term ecosystem research data. People are even encouraged to provide an outlook for future development and its consequences based on the insights of their studies. We look forward to hearing 'lessons learned' in various aspects, e.g. in terms of ground breaking concepts for future data gathering and monitoring or consequences for required actions.

In May 2023 eLTER biodiversity standard observations were presented at the 2nd forum of the National Monitoring Center for Biodiversity (NMZB) in Leipzig. The focus of this meeting was on new technologies and methods for monitoring and analysis of biodiversity data, which matched well with the current development of eLTER.
