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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

400 scientists visit the ENVRI booth at EGU 2022

14 July 2022

Around 400 scientists visited the ENVRI booth during the EGU 2022 event in Vienna, lasting from 23 to 27 May. This marks a significant increase from the last physical EGU event where the booth was also visited by 400 people. However, this year the on site participants were over 2 times fewer than in 2019.

eLTER was presented by its head of communication Kaloyan Konstantinov who was offering information about the RI, our brand new brochure, and a number of ENVRI goodies like a coloring book, Rubik's cube, pencils with seeds, stickers, booklets with information. At the booth, researchers could also enjoy lunch talks and presentations from members of the 26 research infrastructures.

ENVRI is a community of 26 environmental Research infrastructures working together to observe the Earth as one system. We collaborate so we can provide environmental data, tools, and other services that are Open and FAIR, and can be easily used by anyone for free.

Kaloyan Konstantinov at EGU 2022