eLTER Tools for Social Ecological Data Analysis and Demonstrating the Use of the ReLTER Package for Acquiring Earth Observation (EO) Data
eLTER RI is committed to providing data tools and services to support site- and platform-based research, as well as transnational and continental comparative research, on social ecological phenomena and interactions.
At this workshop, we introduce participants to data tools developed in eLTER PLUS to (1) access and utilize existing European and national social ecological databases; (2) modify data to spatially explicit platform boundaries, and (3) demonstrate the use of ReLTER Package for acquiring earth observation data. Our objective is to provide convenient and efficient access to these data sources and tools to catalyze mutliscalar social ecological research in eLTER and beyond.
This is an internal event open to consortia members who are interested in Socio-Ecology. We start at 9:00 and finish at 10:30 CET. Ask your WP lead for a Zoom link.
9:00 - Welcome and Introductions (Daniel Orenstein, Carmela Marangi, Jan Dick)
9:10 - Harvesting social ecological data from official EU and national statistical databases (Luboš Halada)
9:15 - The Cookie Cutting Tool - Modifying data to LTSER platform spatial boundaries (Jan Dick/Will Bolton)
9:30 - Demonstrating the Use of the ReLTER Package for Acquiring Earth Observation (EO) Data (Micha Silver)
10:15 - Questions, discussion, and preparation for Mallorca (Carmela Marangi, Jan Dick, Micha Silver, Will Bolton)
10:30 - Conclusion of workshop (Daniel Orenstein)